Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Friday Questions on Sunday Meme

Another Sunday, another wake up in a hotel room in Sydney. Once again, in my very favourite hotel with its deep bath, comfy bed and little touches of decadence which appeal to my Leonine nature.

Off to see a performance of A Comedy of Errors at the Pop Up Globe before heading home early evening and starting a new job tomorrow morning.

Today's questions come from Bev at Sunday Stealing. These are good ones.

1. Have you ever tried to learn (or re-learn) a foreign language as an adult? Which one? What worked for you?

Thankfully, I'm a polyglot, so I pick up language like most people pick up the clap. The last big push to learn a language was Greek - when I moved there for a while. I can read the language but I don't know what I'm saying, but I have fair what I call "taxi driver Greek". I can make myself understood.

I'd love to learn Spanish. I speak a smattering of French too.

2. Do you donate blood? Do you know your blood type?

In Australia, I'm perceived as a "Mad Cow". If you lived in England between 1985 and 1996 for more than six months, you are precluded from donating blood because you're seen to be a risk of giving people Mad Cow Disease. This irks me as donating blood was my one community service activity before the ban came into place.  I'm O Positive by the way.

3. Have you ever been in a play or musical?

I've been in many a play. Used to do a bit of theatre when I lived in London.

4. Do you use certain text or ring tones for specific people? Who gets their own? Or do you just use the default on your phone?

I have an old car horn for my Mum and one other friend has the Mission Impossible ring tone - but my phone is normally on silent and vibrate - years of working in quiet offices means I rely on my FitBit buzzing to get the phone.

5. When did you get your first digital camera? Do you still shoot on actual film, or all digital now?

I first got a digital camera about fifteen years ago. Now I rely on my phone, though I do have a reasonable Canon ProShot. The phone takes great shots.

6. What do you think someone else would say the most daring thing you’ve done is?

I think most people would say that living as an illegal alien in England for six years was pretty daring... I got up on stage at a spoken word event on Monday. That was bloody scary too.

7. Do you talk with your hands?

Yes, she says gesticulating at the computer screen.

8. Given the choice in a restaurant – would you go with a booth or table (or bar!!!) for seating?

Please give me a table with a proper chair. Booths are claustrophobic and I don't like sitting on stools that are too high.

9. What kind of milk did you drink, growing up? And now?

When I was a kid, we used to go down the road to the next door neighbours and buy milk fresh from the cow straight from the vat fresh from the cow. We got home and we had to take the cream off the top. As I'm not off dairy, I drink almond or macadamia milk. A bit of a change, eh!

10. How do you keep track of all your passwords? Do you make your passwords super complicated and change them often, or use the same ones over and over?

I have a few common passwords with variations of numbers and special characters. I recycle about ten words, but when I update them, I update most things.

11. Are you a note taker?

Most of the time. I could be better at this.

12. Do you remember what your first social media posting (or status update) was on Facebook or Twitter – without looking it up? What was it?

I think I first got Facebook when I went on a trip to Thailand, so my first post was probably something about the trip (which was great, by the way). I'm not big into Twitter and I only use that under a pseudonym and it's mainly for Darvey trash. Darvey trash?  Don't ask.

13. Do you have a “power” song?

Don't ask that question of somebody who sings all day. This weekend's power song is this:

14. Do you have an eclectic mug collection, or is your stuff all matchy matchy?

My mug collection is fairly eclectic. There are a lot of big mugs. Good for when you're writing.

15. Do you have a junk drawer in your house/garage/at work/wherever?

There was a song written about this. The third drawer down in the kitchen. Doesn't everybody have one of these?

16. Do you ever get the urge to watch a favorite scene from a movie, and watch just that scene?

All the time. There are many. I could watch this one on repeat daily too.

17. Have you ever woken up and felt guilty from a dream you had, or, mad at someone else for something they did in the dream?

Oh hell yeah. Unfortunately, and sometimes, I have prophetic dreams. When my dreams are vivid, they really stay with me.

18.  How old were you when you took your first commercial flight? To where did you fly?

Technically, I was five years old when the family went on a holiday to Kangaroo Island (a puddle jump across the straight in Adelaide. My first time on a big plane, I was seventeen and as a family, we went to New Zealand.

19. Are you good at keeping track of your things – or do you easily misplace them? Do you ever leave anything behind when you travel?

Having a semi photographic memory means that I can find most things easily - except for when the place is really messy and I lose stuff under other stuff.

20. Is there any place you go where time seems to stand still? What is it about that place that makes it that way?

Yeah, that would be called Adelaide. Adelaide doesn't change much, though it has got a bit more cosmopolitan in the last few years.


  1. our junk drawer is the 3rd one too (the middle drawer)

  2. I agree with you on the booth thing at restaurants, but so many of the chairs are not comfortable, I think that is why I tend to ask for a booth. But you are right, a table is more comfortable with several people. I loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  3. enjoyed your answers hope you have a great week

  4. I love your answers. I didn't know Australia had MAD COW. I thought that was primarily a USA thing. LOL. Guess stuff like that travels ALL over doesn't it.
