Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Sleepy Rambles Questions

Well, I am in Adelaide. How much fun is that. Had a wonderful catch up with an old friend and her Dad, and now I am at my sister's place - which is good too. So, for a change, I am not writing this at the airport.

I like these questions, which have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing, as always.

   1. What is on your mind right now?

At the moment I am wondering if my leg will be up to driving home tonight. I came a cropper on a step last night, fell and strained a quad muscle. Walking is an interesting experience at the moment - well, it is more like a limp. The leg is weight bearing, but it hurts like buggery when I change positions. After ibuprufen, arnica, ice, rest, head, it is moving, but I don't fancy the plane ride home - or driving back from the airport later tonight.
    2. Do you know anyone who has attended Harvard University?

Yes. I know a few. Reindert's wife did her PhD there.
    3. How many books are in the room you’re in?

None that I can see. I'm in my sister's office. She's not a reader. Unlike at my place where there are at least 1000 books floating around the living room.
    4. Do you save at least 15 percent of your income?

No, but I am edging up there. As Australians, we get 9.5% of our pay put straight into Superannuation each pay. I do put in a bit more - takes me up to about 12%.
    5. When was the last time you had a rainy day spent at home?

I wish I could remember. It doesn't rain much in Melbourne - plus we're in drought conditions. I'd love to do more of that.
    6. When was the last time you stayed home from school/work?

About six weeks ago I was feeling decidedly under the weather - it was just a day, but it was a good day to chill at home. I wasn't up to being at work. It was the first sick day I'd had in about a year.
    7. Do you write “yes” or “no” answers to surveys or do you explain more?

Sometimes. On the really dicky questions I'll give yes or no answers.
    8. Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason?

Bactrim / Sulpha drugs. They are a penicillin alternative and they make me go red. Easier not to take them. Oh and there are some ACE inhibitors - a type of blood pressure medication, which I really don't get on with. 
    9. Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like?

I bought a nightie on Friday evening as I forgot to pack one. It's a blue cotton lawn material and it is lovely. I love cotton nighties with no sleeves.
    10. Would you rather have potato or chicken noodle soup if you had to?

I'l probably go chicken noodle soup, though being gluten free this sort of defeats the purposes.
    11. Do you believe that when a person appears in your dreams, that person wants to see you?

No. I'm too much of a Jungian to believe that. When I see somebody in my dreams, I think that there is something about that person that I have to look at in myself.
    12. When’s the last time you saw your mum?

Yesterday. If you'd asked me this questions last week, I would have said six months ago. My mum and stepdad came down to see my friend and her dad. It's been 30 years since they last saw each other. And it's Mum - sorry Americans.
    13. What is one food you could eat for a month, straight, and not get sick of?

Ice cream. Eggs. Freshly chopped salad. Strawberries. Mangoes.
    14. Have you ever spray painted something about your love somewhere?

Nope. Never been into those types of PDAs (Public displays of affection.)
    15 Do you live in a town where basically everyone knows everyone else?

No. Melbourne has over four million people, it's a bit hard to know everybody. I come from a small town (Myponga, South Australia) and everybody knows everybody. I prefer my current set up.

Today's Song:


  1. These were fun random questions. I loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  2. I could live with your daily diet, minus the mangos, which are not a favorite.

    I saw a few pictures today of spider webs in Austraia. Do those things cover everything everywhere, or only in a few locations Really impressive!

  3. Bohemian Rhapsody is a good song any day.

  4. I'm allergic to the sulpha drugs and penicillin. One only gives me a rash, the other causes my temperature to shoot up and I get a lot of pain in my muscles and joints. It's been so long that I don't remember which is which.
