Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Pop Tarts Quiz

Well, it is NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month - and it is the Fourth of November and I have 4000 words down. Sort of glad this is a quick quiz. I sort of have to write 1800 words a day to reach the 50000 word count needed for the end of the month. It's a good challenge.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. What's the coldest temp you've experienced?

About five degrees centigrade below freezing. It was one day in London. I'm not used to really cold weather. Here in Melbourne, the coldest it gets is around ten degrees centigrade. It's not too bad.

2. What's for dinner tonight?

Probably chicken and salad washed down with a gin and tonic.

3. Would you consider moving to Australia?

Um, I live here already. I will turn this around, would I consider moving to the United States of America - well yes, but I'd go to either the West or East coasts - I like being near water. I could happily live in Boston, San Francisco or Seattle. (Boston from experience, the other two going by their reputation)

4. What was your favorite subject in high school?

That would be a toss up between English and French.

5. How many hours a day is your tv on?

Too many. I use the television for company andit is normally on in the background - just as some people use the radio. I'd say 3-4 hours at a minimum. More on weekends.

6. Have you ever received an award?

No, but I have won a couple of short story competitions. Does this count?

7. Whats your mousepad look like?

It's called a table top.

8. How many browser tabs do you have open right now?

Three. This page, the Sunday Stealing page, and Facebook.

9. If you are a parent, have you or did you ever put Vicks VapoRub on your children under the age of 2?

I'm not a parent, but I don't think I could ever inflict that on my child. Howver, as an adult, I have used it on myself when really congested.

10. As an adult, do you like the scent of Vicks VapoRub?

Sort of. It reminds me of my grandmother. Strange that.

11. If you had to pick one insect to infest your house for 1 day and after that day they would just suddenly vanish, which insect infestation would you pick?

Probably ants. Ants also often go away by themselves. Not overly fond of creepy crawlies.

12. What color is your underwear that you are wearing right at this moment? 

Black bra, grey underpants. Boring.

Today's song:


  1. We found the best way to get rid of ants was to squash a few of them at night and in the morning they will have worked together to carry away the carcasses and will be gone. I fantasize about ant funerals but someone pointed out to me they were probably the main dish of an ant banquet.

  2. Winning the short story competitions most certainly counts! Love today's song. It's one of my favorites.

  3. Having spent the first 25 years of my life in Seattle, I can tell you that would be a VERY good choice!

  4. The short story competition for sure counts!! That is awesome! Congrats!
    I live in the middle of the U.S. and am landlocked, so I understand why you would want to be by the ocean. It is so beautiful and I love to visit. I enjoyed your answers! Have a nice day!

  5. Of course short stories count. And when doing the questions, I thought of you, and what would happen if I went to live in Australia, and to a play and ... there you were, up on the stage... fun!

  6. Congrats on doing Nano. I hope you get your 50,000 words.
