Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Ask Anything Questions

Happy Easter. I've had my hot cross buns, which it appears, are not a big thing in America according to my made in Colorado - and you don't know what you are missing out on.

So it's day three of a four day long weekend.

So far I've seen two films (The excellent Gloria Bell and the lovely, take-your-mother film, The Chaperone, and I'm off to see The Aftermath later today.

Finally, I've finished my book group book - Milkman, by Anna Burns. I'm in about fifty minds about the book. It's a Joycean hell hole in some ways, astounding in others. Probably the hardest read I've encountered in a number of years. Maybe now I'll tackle Ulysses, which has been sitting on my bedside table for years. This would be a good primer. It's been a long time since I've had to read a book with a Belfast accent in my head.

Good questions this week. Thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. What Did You Have For Lunch?

Today - I had hot cross buns. Baker's Delight Mocha hot cross buns, heated and slathered with butter. Only at Easter. I'm not even a Christian, but I do hot cross buns.

Image result for hot cross bun

2.  Do You Dance In The Car?

Sometimes. It's not unknown. The trick is not getting caught.

3.  Favourite Animal?

My favourite ever animal is Maow Maow - my best mate Blarney's cat. We have a relationship - we love each other very much. but I'm an animal lover. Pretty much any animal. I will give police horses a cuddle, talk to dogs on the street and I'm a bit fond of elephants and alpacas. Animals are often a lot nicer than people.

4.  Do You Watch The Olympics?

No - not really. I will dip in an watch the diving and the gymnastics if they are on, but that is it. I used to love watching them as a kid.

5.  What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?

Normally somewhere between 11 and midnight.

6.  Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?

No, it's Sunday - I've been to the gym and I'm not going anywhere other than a movie theatre in a few hours. I doubt I'll put on any make up then. I don't wear much makeup anyway - eyeliner, mascara and a slick of red lipstick most days. That's it.

7.  Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?

I like swimming in both. If I want to go for a proper swim for exercise, I prefer the pool, but I love being in the ocean. I don't do enough swimming. Joys of long hair - it's something you have to plan for..

8.  What Was The Last Thing You Ate?

Baker's Delight mocha hot cross buns, slathered with butter.

9.  Bottled Water Or Tap Water?

Tap water. I only get bottled water if it is fizzy.

10. What Makes You Happy?

Baker's Delight mocha hot cross buns. Cool evenings that are good for sleeping (we're having an Indian summer here - it's a few degrees above the normal April temperature, the trees still haven't turned - and they say Global Warming and Climate Change aren't real. Bullshit) Good books. Good cinema. Friends. Gin an tonics.

11. Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?

I loved swings as a kid. I still love going on the swings. I'm known for going for a swing if there are no kids using them.

12. Do You Work Better With Or Without Music?

Depends on what I'm working on. Generally I'm better off without music, but I work in a noisy office and I'm finding putting on some gentle acoustic tracks on the earphones keeps me focused on what I need to do.

13. Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?

Yes. Pretty much every morning. Without fail. Sarah Wilson put me onto this trick in First We Make The Beast Beautiful. It sets you up for the day. If you've made your bed, you've achieved something by the time you hop in the shower.

14. Do You Like Your Music Loud?

No. I only like loud music at concerts - even then, it's not the music isn't a loud as it used to be.

15.Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?

No - love a good thunderstorm. Okay, if I'm stuck in the middle of one without shelter, then I'd be scared, if not, I love them.

Today's Song:


  1. So. Evidently English Indian Summer means the opposite of American Indian Summer (unseasonably warm weather during autumn).

    Indians from India vs Native Americans?

  2. Nope - an Indian Summer means exactly what it does in America as it does in Australia - unseasonably warm weather in Autumn.

  3. Your hot crossed buns look good! Enjoy your movie! Loved your answers! Happy Easter!

  4. Of course it does. You are southern hemisphere. It is autumn.

    I am confusing you with an English lady. Who does not even participate on Sunday Stealing.

    So sorry.

  5. Hooray! Another fan of swinging. Adults who don't, have no idea what they're missing.
    Those buns look AMAZING!
    Hope you had a lovely day.

  6. I've never had hot cross buns (at least, I don't think I have). I remember the song in school, where they're "one a penny, two a penny." I seriously doubt that price remains.
