Sunday, April 14, 2019

Fill in the blanks

Okay, not the best weekend for blogging. Yesterday morning I woke to find my car had been ransacked - spent the day arranging car glass replacements, talking to the police, coding a new gate opener, mourning the loss of a beloved object the cretins had stolen, the finally, once all had been sorted, a friend and I went out for  a quick dinner and show at the Melbourne Comedy Festival. (Gillian English's "10 Things I Hate About The Taming of the Shrew" was excellent - on point, hilarious, and in words I think she'd say, the patriarchy aint going to fuck itself. Just what you need after junkies ransack your car in the middle of the night. I suppose they left the window neatly leaning against the back tyre... give them brownie points for being tidy... NOT!

Today, out to the hills to celebrate a friend becoming an Australian Citizen.

So there you go. Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

It's always nice when ____ your friends step up for you. Thanks, Jonella, for listening to me swear yesterday afternoon. (It would have been better if I could have taken to the person/persons who smashed in my car window with a tyre iron.)

Oh, that _____ is what feminist comedy is like when it is done properly. I really enjoyed Gillian English at the Comedy Festival last night.

It's a sure sign of   rain is when _____.spiders come out of the woodwork.

Are we having  a new Prime Minister again??!. It's only been six in ten years. (In Australia, we have a federal election on 17 May. I'm watching a lot of Netflix over the next month.

My heart _____ is a little bit broken. My work husband left the company on Friday. I'm going to miss him. Just got him trained up.

Do you believe in an interventionist God? I  know, Darling, that you do...Nick Cave lyrics. Love Nick Cave.

I'm a witch. I'be been a witch for a long time. I'm used to it now. Some people don't between in witches, but we're okay.

I was an illegal alien for a large part of my 20s. This is another story for another time.

People go batshit crazy  _____ when the moon is full.

When we _____ go to the next election , hopefully Shouty McScummo (Scott Morrison - current Prime Minister), and his crew, will be elected out of office and into electoral oblivion.

Ben and Jerry's ice cream _____ is the best!

Underneath it all _____ I'm a big softy. Just don't tell anybody..

Oh! And thanks for _____ reading my blog. It's nice to think somebody reads me.

And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __going to bed once this is done___, tomorrow my plans include __going to work, getting some work done, walking home, then seeing my trainer___ and Sunday, I want to __sleep is as that is now a week away and next Sunday is Easter Sunday so there is no pump class ___!

Today's song:


  1. The moon really does make people crazy. It is almost scary. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  2. My husband is in the fire dept. and he says when the moon is full it is simply nuts. Strange, really. But then again not, I suppose.

  3. A work husband... never heard that one... have a great Sunday!

  4. It's fun reading your blog.
    I have, sort of, an illegal alien in a book I'm writing (she's a telepath, and they've been outlawed, so her citizenship will be revoked if they find out what she is).
    Good luck with your election.
