Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Love Me Some Surveys Meme

Oh it is so nice not be travelling. I just wish I wasn't so blooming busy. Hence, it will be a quick one today.

Questions as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be?

Here are four places I would happily live:

  • Mykonos, Greece
  • Hampstead, London, England
  • Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
  • Cambridge, Boston, USA

2. What are your favorite articles of clothing?

  • My biker boots
  • A pair of wide-legged 3/4 work pants.
  • This one navy and white wrap dress
  • My shorty pyjamas

3. The last CD you bought or downloaded?

I listen to mostly downloaded play lists - and I found a great one with acoustic covers of a lot of modern songs.

4. What time do you generally wake up in the morning?

The alarm goes of at 6 am during the week. I get out of bed at 7. Now that daylight saving is over I'll be waking at 5.30 and up at 6.30.

5. What is your favorite kitchen appliance?

My colander. It used to belong to my grandmother. It's pretty special. It's also about 70 years old - like the egg beater I inherited too.

6. If you could play an instrument, what would it be?

The piano. I never got lessons as I child. I wish I did.

7. What is your Favorite color?

One of these three:

  • Pillarbox red
  • Sapphire Blue
  • Teal

8. Do you believe in the afterlife?

Sort of. Not in a Christian way. I like to think there is reincarnation.

9. Your Favorite children’s book?

Probably the Harry Potter series. I'm also fond of Lemony Snicket and Artemis Fowl.

10. Can you juggle?

I used to be able to juggle three balls. It wouldn't take much to get it back.

11. What’s your favorite day of the week?

Sunday. It is the day I can do what I want.

12. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger?

Hamburger, through sushi is what I would choose eight times out of ten. Better for you.

13. What is your favorite flower?

Roses. And sunflowers are lovely to look at.

14. What is your favorite meal?

My mother's roast lamb is wonderful. For eating out, there is a cheap and cheerful Vietnamese place down the road, and they do this wonderful dry chilli beef dish that is just amazing.

15. Describe your ideal weather?

A London Autumnal day. Overcast, about 15 degrees, gentle breeze. I like winter.

16. What is your favorite Ice Cream?

Oh, do I really have to choose.  Here are a few favourites:

  • Maggie Beer's Caramel and Burnt Fig Jam
  • Ben and Jerry's Choc Chip Cookie Dough or Half Baked
  • Pana Choc Chip Mint
  • White Chocolate and Wasabi (Strangely, it works)
  • Turkish Delight

17. What is your favorite breakfast?

Anything with eggs. Eggs Benedict - or scrambled eggs (had that this morning) or poached eggs on toast. Eggs are great.

18. Where did you meet your spouse or significant other?

I don't have a significant other. I've never had a significant other.

Bonus: something you’d like to do that you’ve never done before?

A couple if things I wouldn't mind doing:

  • Live in New York for a year
  • Skydive (tandem of course)
  • Learn piano
  • Perform stand up comedy

Today's Song:


  1. I would love to listen to the playlist of acoustic covers of modern songs.

  2. I also have several kitchen items from my Grandmother that I love dearly. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  3. Do share that playlist, I'd love to hear it as well!

  4. I love "sunflower season" around here. We are surrounded by fields of sunflowers. I remember when I was in Australia being surprised by fields of cala lilies. They don't grow wild here.

    Roast lamb is one of my very favorite meals, but I rarely cook it because it's horribly expensive here.

  5. The acoustic playlist sounds great. I used to love MTV's Unplugged concerts. Do they still do those?
    I like lamb, but never, ever cook it. It is so ridiculously expensive to buy. I get it once a year when the Bible study group I'm part of does a traditional-ish Middle East type meal for Easter.
