Sunday, May 5, 2019

The One Direction Asks Questions

There is nothing as blissful as a sleep in, a long bath and a swim. Joys of the hotel I'm staying in this weekend. It's just diving. Wish I could have another day here. I've been doing a lot of sleeping this weekend. Must have needed it.

Good questions this week, thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Name three things you love about yourself.

  • That I'm kind.
  • My eyes - they're unusual in colour. 
  • My daft recall for really strange facts. 

2. What’s the bravest thing you ever did?

Probably take off alone to England when I was 23. I knew nobody, I had a place to stay for the first few days. Best thing I've ever done too.

3. Talk about the craziest night of your life.

There have been a few, but one that sticks out was a night in Mykonos, talking with an American and a Finnish dude, in a gay bar, in French. Somehow I convinced them I was a French Major on holidays from the University of Alabama. I kept this up for a few hours. Mykonos was crazy.

4. Name three things you want in life

  • A cat or two
  • A house with an open fire and a bath tub
  • A three book publishing deal

5. Who’s your biggest celebrity crush?

Other than Clive Owen and Gabriel Macht?  I have to say, Julianne Moore is up there. I'm straight, but she's amazing. Always has been. She's doing well for somebody pushing 60.

6. What’s your most common mistake?

  • I often mix up affect and effect
  • I think it will take ten minutes less to get to places. 
  • And for the life of me, I will tell you hand on heart that my step-father's birthday is on the 23rd of April. It's the 23rd of March. I've buggered it up for over 25 years. 

7. Which three things would you save if there was a fire?

  • The animals
  • Some photos
  • My grandmother's kitchen implements - huge sentimental value in that eggbeater and colander. 

8. What’s your favourite sport?

I'm not really into sport, but I do dib into Australian Rules Football and cricket now and then.

9. Talk about something good that recently happened to you.

I visited Hong Kong two months ago. That was a wonderful break. Would happily go again - there is so much to see and do. Got a new manager at work - she's been a godsend too.

10. Which fictional world would you want to live in if you could?

I'd happily live in Harry Potter's world. All that magic sounds like fun. New York around the time of When Harry Met Sally would be cool too.

11. What’s one thing you can never say no to?

Ice cream.

12. Talk about a childhood memory.

I have a strange memory of a garden party I went to with my mother and sister when I was about five-years-old. It was a very genteel party. My mother's Aunt Elizabeth, who was very old (in her late nineties) was there. There were cucumber sandwiches and hydrangeas. I wore a blue sun dress. It was high summer, one of those very hot, very dry Adelaide days. We were in the Eastern Suburbs. There were tadpoles in the fountain. It's a very real memory.

13. Name five things you find attractive in others.

  • Kindness
  • A great sense of humour
  • Blue eyes
  • A just right hairy chest
  • Intelligence.

14. Are you good at making final decisions or do you easily change your mind?

I'm generally very decisive.

15. Name three guilty pleasures of yours.

  • Married at First Sight - awful, annual bad reality television - only only this. 
  • Ice cream
  • Anything related to Shakespeare.
Today's Song:


  1. I have to stop and think about the "rules" every single time I use affect or effect. It drives me nuts that I don't remember right off the bat.

  2. I mess up my husband's birthday, but I have it written down, so I do not forget. I do not do well with birthdays in general. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  3. I never have problems with affect and effect, fortunately.

    Though not a sports buff, I did get into footy when I was in Australia, though I never could understand cricket. Any sport that takes a break for TEA just doesn't make sense.

  4. Gotta love a book deal desire.
    I bet Hong Kong was great. I've seen so many amazing pictures.
    Nina Simone is incredible.
