Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Ask Anything Questions

So it is Mother's Day around here. So far today I've cuddled the cat, been to the gym, called my mother, did three loads of washing, seen a film (the wonderful All is True - loved it) cooked Meatballs and Spaghetti and done some writing. I'm part of a writing group on Twitter. You get a topic on Saturday and have until midnight Sunday to put 30 words in on the topic. I'm amazed at what you can get done in 30 words. My Twitter handle is @TrellawneyThom if you're interested.

Good questions this week, thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Do you own your things or do your things own you?

I like things, but they definitely don't own me. I try to take care of my stuff. When my car got broken into the other week, it was dealt with swiftly, but I live for experiences - and books. But then again, books are things.

2. Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?

Part of me wants to keep making new ones, but old memories shape who you are. That's a hard and loaded question.

3. How do you deal with someone in a position of power who wants you to fail?

Prove them wrong with quiet determination. You can stick a finger up to them later.

4. What do you have that you cannot live without?

Friends. Books. My phone and laptop.

5. When you close your eyes what do you see?

Bright light.

6. What sustains you on a daily basis?

Friends. Books. Walking. Writing. And a daily almond decaf latte. Fake coffee - does you good.

7. What are your top five personal values?

  • Above all else, be kind.
  • Laugh first, cry later. 
  • And this too, shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass. 
  • Loyalty knows no boundaries.
  • Keep to the budget.

8. Why must you love someone enough to let them go?

If you love them enough to put their happiness above your own, you know you can let them go. It's a hard lesson to learn, but letting go is about boundaries - theirs and your own.

9. Do you ever celebrate the green lights?

All the time. If things are a bit easier, why wouldn't you celebrate it - even if it is only a sneaky gin and tonic.

10. What personal prisons have you built out of fears?

It's probably why I'm still single. Deep seated trust  issues stemming from childhood. Next question.

11. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?

Finished a novel. Got another tattoo. Gone skydiving. Traveled the world for a year.

12. Why are you, you?

Because I am me. That's why. I don't apologies for who I am. I am just me. Forged at the school of life and never have I walked the road more travelled. And that has made the difference. Gotta love Robert Frost.

13. If you haven’t achieved it yet what do you have to lose?

Probably nothing - but if you don't try and achieve what you want, you will never ever get there. This question has a defeatist feel to it.

14. What three words would you use to describe the last three months of your life?

Challenging, inspiring, consolidating.

15. Is it ever right to do the wrong thing?  Is it ever wrong to do the right thing?

Yes. Because sometimes you have to do the wrong thing to work out what the right thing is. Same goes for the right thing. I've taken a few big risks, against the normal thinking - they've been some of the best decisions I've ever made.

16. How would you describe ‘freedom’ in your own words?

Being able to eat as much ice cream as you wish and never putting on weight.

Seriously, freedom to me is feeling an inner peace no matter where you are or what you're doing.

17. What is the most important thing you could do right now in your personal life?

Finish those bloody novels. Maybe find a new job.

18. If you could ask one person, alive or dead, only one question, who would you ask and what would you ask?

I'd like to ask Adolf Hitler just what he had against the Jewish nation.

I'd like to ask Gough Whitlam what it felt like to be dismissed from government.

I'd also like to as Scott Morrison when the hell he will stop lying.

19. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

Probably writing. Maybe doing some witch work too.

Today's song:


  1. I loved your extension to "this too shall pass." That's so true!

  2. I totally agree with you on #2. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  3. Your list of values is great, especially the one about sticking to the budget. I need to adopt that one!
