Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Unconscious Mutterings Questions

So I have a slight hangover. It's not a real hangover, more an acknowledgement of the fact I was out drinking gin and tonics, eating pizza and mourning the country we could be over the country - and the government to which we are subjected at the moment - the election results are in and they are not great. We're pretty much back where we were before with the same lot of smug, arrogant cretins in office *(minus one fellow, Tony Abbott, who lost his seat - probably the best news from a shocking night.)

So I'm here licking my wounds and eating chocolate bullets. I'm also wearing my Ramones t-shirt. Has to be done. and sorry, I might get a bit sweary in my post today. I'm really not happy.
Image result for chocolare bullets

And planning a trip...

And pondering moving to New Zealand...

Anyway, questions have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

I say ... and you think ... ?

    Hurry!  And I think, nah, I can have another ten minutes in bed. There will be another tram.


    Fudge :: And I think of a little store in Akaroa, just out of Christchurch, New Zealand, which does fantastic fudge.

    Sturdy :: And I think of my biker boots, of which I would like to go and kick Queensland's arse with at the moment.

    Printing :: And I think of finishing that novel.

    Itch :: And I think some things that I would like to scratch. I'll leave that there.

    Creaks :: And I think of the lat pull-down machine at the gym which really requires a bit of love and WD-40 - it creaks like a see-saw (I think you American's call them teeter-totters - kids playground equipment).

    Paste :: and I think of my dear old Aunt who loved the art of decoupage.

    Waste of time :: and I think that arguing with a redneck Queenslander would be like that. I'm still shaking my head.

    Let down :: And I think these current election results. I feel personally let down by anybody who who voted for these idiots.

    Cancellation :: And I think of why they are cancelling Suits just as it is getting interesting.

    Suspect :: And I think and suspect that a mob of white, entitled, middle aged blokes are not prepared to faced the wrath of women on a global scale after what has gone down in Alabama this week. (And I think Australia is a cray cray place...)

    Fireplace :: and I think of my childhood and how much I miss an open fire.

    Spring :: And I think of casting off my coat for a cardigan  and my boots for sandals.

    Commute :: and I think I am very pleased that my commute to work is less than half an hour - for mot people it is around an hour, I'm doing well. Joys of living in the inner city.

    Places :: and I think of the trips I am planning in November. India and the United States - ten days each.

    Fraud :: and I think of most of the Government who have been put back in power. They seriously are on the nose. There is some pretty nasty corruption and fraud going on there. The truth will out.

    Adoption :: and I think that this might be the solution the Alabama legislators have for those women who's reproductive rights they are curtailing - because I would really like to see them pay the medical bills for the mothers, feed, clothe, educate and love these children who may have been conceived by the actions of a father, brother or rapist.

    Election :: and I think don't mention the war. I have only just started to agitate on the side of the sensibles. Sheesh.

    Moving day :: and I think of how much preparation goes into getting ready for that day.

Today's Song:


  1. Oh my, Pandora, tell us what you REALLY think! LOL I am sorry the elections didn't turn out the way you hoped. It seems they rarely do and we are always disgruntled these days. It will be "interesting" to see where the world goes in the next few years.

    On to happier things, where will you be visiting when you come to the U.S.?

    Hoping you can overcome the negative and have a good day!

  2. Such thoughtful answers.. loved them! have a great new week!

  3. Feel your pain about the election. Here in the US, we also have a greedy, bigoted, shortsighted fuckwit (best rant ever by the way). And 2020 is right around the corner. Yay.

  4. I love Suits too! I hate that it is ending. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  5. Suits was one of those shows that I chose not to watch (in favor of "White Collar") and after several years I was sorry I'd made that decision -- LOVED "White Collar," but should have watched "Suits" too.

    There was a time when I briefly thought of moving to Australia, but hearing what all my Australian friends (even those who are not into politics) are saying, I'm probably just as bad off living here.

  6. I thought of you when I saw the headlines this morning. You did not disappoint.
