Sunday, June 23, 2019

Happy Questions

So, where am I at the moment? I am down the Great Ocean Road with a heap of barking mad women (and a handful off blokes) on a writer's retreat with the inimitable Catherine Deveny. This has been one of the most incredible weekends of my life.

Let me see,

  • I've met a bunch of wonderful  people
  • I've remembered my love of writing
  • I've started back writing my novel
  • I went swimming naked in the Southern Ocean at day break on the second shortest day of the year
  • I've eaten a lot of lovely, nourishing, wholesome food
  • I've also drunk quite a bit of sloe gin - which in itself is a great thing
  • I've connected back into the world
  • I've watched cows
  • I've driven down one of the most picturesque roads on the planet
  • And now I am about to go home as I am starting a new job tomorrow
Image may contain: ocean, sky, twilight, beach, nature, outdoor and water

So the happy questions, which Bev at Sunday Stealing has provided, is quite apt. I'm sitting in a writer's group at the moment - may as well use this five minutes to get this blog done.

Oh, and my team won the 80's Music Quiz last night - that was a BLAST. Between two others, we rocked!

1. Are you a happy person?

Generally, yes, Like all people, I have my moments, but I'm fairly content.

2. What is happiness for you?

Peace of mind, when it all boils down to it.

3. What do you think is the color of happiness?

Bright sky blue.

4. Can money buy happiness?

No, but it can smooth the way. Having enough is the key to happiness.

5. Is happiness a state of mind?

No - I think happiness is a way of being. Your mind can only get you so far. The rest has to be a mix of health, wealth and a lot of societal things.

6. What are three things that make you happy?

  • Walks along the beach
  • Cuddles
  • Exercise (strange, but this true)

7. Does having a pet make you happy?

Yes. I am infinitely more happy when I have an animal in my life. I know when Maow Maow comes to stay, I am a lot happier. Animals give you unconditional love. It is wonderful.

8. When was the happiest time of your childhood?

I didn't really have a great childhood.

9. Can you be happy if you are rich?

I'm not sold on this idea. When you have money, it appears you're more worried about your money, rather than getting on with things.

10. Do you think happiness lies within you or does it depend on other people and external things?

Happiness always comes from within.

11. Are single people happy?

Yes. I'm single. I'm happy.

12, What is the effect that animals/pets have on people to make them feel happy?

I think it's the unconditional love they provide. I find animals strangely comforting. Love them. They make life much much better. They give you somebody to love - they love you back in return. Simples.

13.  Can you be happy if you are poor?

Yes. It might be a bit harder to find, but yes.

14.  What is there to be happy about in today’s world?

Friends, family, nature, food, water, swimming, moving, walking, reading, theatre, music, words, animals, sunsets, Suits, love, baths.

15.  How happy are you compared with your friends.

I think I'm somewhere in the middle. Okay, if I'm honest, I think I'm happier than many of my friends. But it is not a competition. Happiness is a one horse race.

Today's Song:


  1. From reading your introduction to the questions, it's obvious that you are quite happy!

  2. I've got the song stuck on repeat in my head--but that's ok because it's such an upbeat song!

  3. Your weekend sounds wonderful! Good luck with your new job how exciting! Love your answers! Have a nice Sunday!
