Sunday, June 16, 2019

The more from Facebook questions

I have to make it a quick one this week - travelling once again, back to Sydney for work. Joy. Three days in a hotel, back, leave current job, go away for the weekend, start a new job on Monday.

Life is fun.

Good quick questions from Bev at Sunday Stealing.


    Last beverage:

Currently drinking soda water infused with line juice cordial.

    Last phone call:

I took a call from my friend Alice yesterday afternoon - she came round for a cup of tea as I was housebound waiting for tradies. (Both turned up - yay - on time, double yay - tradies rarely turn up when they are supposed to - I hit the jackpot yesterday - and I now have a new gas meter and my internet is working better than it has worked in the time I've had ADSL. )

    Last text message:

This morning, Trish and I arranged to meet at the gym then on for breakfast.

    Last song you listened to:

This was on in the car this morning as I went to the gym.

    Last time you cried:

I went to see Tolkien last night - I cried at the end of the movie - just a little.


    Been cheated on:

Yes. No need for details, but yes.

    Kissed someone & regretted it:

Yes. I was a teenager once.

    Lost someone special:

Yes. There are a few people in this bucket. Some are still alive. Some are not.

    Been depressed:

Yes. I manage depression, most of the time, I do this successfully. Sometimes, I spiral. As soon as I admit I'm depressed and get on to hardline management (good food, no alcohol, lots of free time and exercise) I tend to be able to turn it around.

    Drunk hard liquor:

I'm a gin aficionado. So yes, I have drunk hard liquor. I just tend not to drink it to excess.
    Lost glasses/contacts

Yes and no. I left a pair of prescription sunglasses at Blarney's a few years ago. They turned up three months later, a week after I had them replaced. They were in the odds and sods drawer.


    Last time you saw your mother

The second weekend in February. Mum lives interstate - about 500 miles away. I did, however, speak to her yesterday.

    Have you ever talked to a person named Tom

Yes. I know a number of Toms. That is a very random question.

    Most visited Webpages (Newspaper) (weather bureau) (bank) (Flights / travel stuff)

    Will you be celebrating Fathers day?

No. Well first up, Father's Day isn't until September and secondly, my father died 22 years ago. I do love my stepdad, but he's not into that stuff - he might get a phone call.

    When did you first realize you were an adult?

When I moved to England when I was 23 - I worked out very quickly that I had to do all this for myself.

Today's Song:


  1. Gin is my drink of choice too, on those rare instances when I drink.

  2. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  3. Hoping you have safe traveling and wishing you good luck in the new job!
