Monday, June 10, 2019

The Would You Rather Questions

Ah, another weekend in Sydn ey. A long weekend (yes!) A swim in a pool. A long bath with a book to read. Gin and tonics on World Gin Day. Yeah, life doesn't get much better than that.

Questions, as always, are from  Bev at Sunday Stealing.

(Oops - we have a long weekend here - I thought today was Sunday...)

1. Would you rather be able to detect any lie you hear or get away with any lie you tell?

Probably detect a lie. I can lie when I have to. I don't like doing it - but it is good when you know you're being deceived.

2. Would you rather be a hopeless romantic or a hopeless unromantic?

I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm not going to change.

3. Would you rather have too many friends or too few?

You can never have too many friends.

4. Would you rather have no taste buds or be blind?

Oh, this is as hard one, but I would have to forgo the tastebuds. I'd be lost without my sight. I lost my sense of taste a few years ago for a few months. It was awful. Everything tasted like cardboard.

5. Would you rather never hear music again or lose the ability to read?

Again, a hard one, but I'd rather read than listen to music, so music would go - but I'd keep singing the songs I know.

6. Would you rather find true love or be rich?

True love is an interesting concept. I'm yet to meet a truly happy rich person.

7. Would you rather be the richest person or the smartest?

I'll go with the smartest. I'd rather be smart than rich.

8. Would you rather create history or delete it?

Oh, create it, definitely.

9. Would you rather create a great piece of art and not get credit or get credit for a piece of art you didn’t create?

Create the art. I don't like plagiarism as a rule. Who cares if you get no credit for it. It's all in the doing/

10. Would you rather age from the neck up, or from the neck down.

Oh, the neck down - oh hang on, I'm doing that as I write.

11. Would you rather see the world but live in poverty or stay in one place and live rich?

I love seeing the world. Travelling take up half my pay cheque anyway.

12. Would you rather become famous or powerful?

Ah neither, but if I have to, I'll go with powerful. Being famous doesn't appeal to me.

13. Would you rather be a creative person or a technical person?

Creative. I'm currently both creative and technical, but I prefer the creative side of things.

14. Would you rather get a paper cut whenever you touch paper or bit your tongue whenever you eat something?

Oh, the papercut. I hate biting my tongue. I can live with paper cuts.

15. Would you rather wake up in the morning looking like a giraffe or a kangaroo?

A kangaroo. I love kangaroos.

16. Would you rather speak “whale” or read babies’ minds.

I'd rather read babies minds - it might be a useful skill when you're on a plane so you can try shut them up.

17. Would you rather eat pizza every day or never eat pizza again?

I could live without pizza. I rarely have it anyway.

18 Would you rather stay forever at your current age or be 10 years younger?

Could I please be ten years younger? This getting older lark is not for sissies.

Today's song:

1 comment:

  1. I love kangaroos too. My favorite part of being in Australia was taking my friend's dogs running on the cemetery grounds with the roos...also being in the roo enclosure at Caversham park and having them trying to find food in our backpacks. That was great!
