Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Movie Questions

Ah, some fantastic questions from Bev at Sunday Stealing today.

Makes for a good weekend. So far:

  • My car window has been re-tinted
  • Had a good gym sessions yesterday
  • Saw a great play last night
  • Had a lovely dinner with friends
  • Have enjoyed the company of the cat (who is going home today or tomorrow)
  • Had a lovely breakfast with a friend
  • And I'm about to go the the gym.
I won't talk about the fact that the cat is going home in the next 48 hours. I'm going to miss him. 

Now these great questions. Thanks, Bev. 

What was you first movie-going experience without your parents?

I really don't remember this - however, I remember the first date I ever went on was to see Police Academy - the first one. And I realise how this ages me. I was 16. He was 17.

Do you still buy DVDs or Blu Rays (or do you just stream them)?

Only occasionally now, when I know I can't find what I want on the streaming services I have to hand. I had friends over the watch The Lobster the other week - that needed a trip to JB HiFi to get it on disc. Great film, glad I have it in my collection. But normally, I'll stream my movies.

What is your guilty pleasure movie? What about it works for you?

Oh, that goes to Adam Sandler comedies, particularly The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates. They're fun and sweet and don't take much brain power.

You have compiled a list of your top 10 movies. Which movies do you like, but would not make the list?

Okay, my top ten movies are these in no given order:

  • 3 Colours Blue
  • 3 Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
  • The Princess Bride
  • Lost in Translation
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Call Me By Your Name
  • The Intouchables
  • To Catch a Thief
  • V is for Vendetta
  • The Secret in Their Eyes (Argentinian original version)
  • Bull Durham
Some of the movies that nearly made the list:
  • Logan Lucky (guilty pleasure)
  • Calvary (a total sucker punch)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (Far too funny)
  • Deadpool (Far too wrong, and far too funny)
  • Atonement (Just heart breaking)
  • Pretty much every Pixar movie (Love Pixar)
  • Drowning by Numbers (love Greenaway)
  • The Avengers movies
  • Gattaca
  • Gross Point Blank and ConAir (Love John Cusack)
  • Being John Malkovich
  • The King's Speech
  • Amelie
  • Almost Famous

Which movie(s) do you compulsively watch over and over again? What makes it so great?

Most of the films on my top ten list I an watch over and over. I will watch Pixar movies over and over a they are such fun. Another feel good, go to movie is Bull Durham - just because of this:

If I really need cheering up, High Society is often shoved on, as are the Harry Potter movies and When Harry Met Sally.

Classic(s) you’re embarrassed to admit you haven’t seen yet?

  • None of the Godfather Trilogy
  • The Deer Hunter
  • Fritz Lang's Metropolis
  • Das Boot
  • All Tarantino after Django Unchained. So I haven's seen Inglourious Basterds - pretty much everything after Kill Bill. 
  • Schindler's List
  • Braveheart
  • Apocaplyse Now

Do you have any movie posters hanging on your wall? If yes, which ones and why?

Nope, no movie posters.

Tell us about a movie that you are passionate about.

Logan Lucky. Directed by Stephen Soderbergh, it's fun, its a heist film, it's got a great heart on it and it's very funny - and few people have seen it. And there is something wonderful about seeing a tanned, bleach-blond Daniel Craig in a onesie.

What is a movie you vow to never watch? Why?

Captain Corelli's Mandolin. I love the book - I refuse to see the movie. It sounds like they made a hash of it too.

Tell us about a movie that literally left you speechless.

Calvary. I think I was sobbing for half an hour after it finished. It's a passion project for the McDonagh brothers. Love it, but it packed a punch.

What’s a movie that you always recommend?

I will often recommend most of my top ten list. I still reckon Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is something everybody should see. If people need a laugh, then they are sent Pixar's way. Or Deadpool - because Deadpool is awesome. Gory and violent, but awesome.

Who is an actor you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie?

Kenneth Branagh and Clive Owen. Love my English Actors

Who is an actor you don’t get the appeal for? Why don’t you like them?

Brad Pitt. I don't get the appeal at all (Okay, I get it when he was in both Thelma and Louise and in Burn After Reading) but I generally don't get why people think he's god's gift. He is a talented actor, but he doesn't float my boat.

Who is an actor, living or dead, you’d love to meet? Why do they intrigue you? 

Cary Grant. He fascinates me. He always has. I have lots of questions.

Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen. (Picture requested!)

Clive Owen.

Image result for clive owen

You are casting a movie, pick four or five actors you’d hire to be in it and why we’d love them together.

Okay, give me a great script and put the following actors in to go in and do their best:

  • Kenneth Branagh
  • Julianne Moore
  • Gabriel Macht (and let him be stretched - he deserves it)
  • Timothy Chalomet
  • Frances McDormand
  • Florence Pugh

Which are your favorite actor pairings of all time?
  • Doris Day and Rock Hudson
  • Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler
  • Rob Bryden and Steve Coogan (The Trip movies are classics)

Have you ever watched movies from a decade that was before you were born? If so, which decade is your favorite?

I love the movies of the 50s and 60s. They are so fun, so innocent, and have great style.

If you were to be in a movie would you rather play the hero, villain or anti-hero? Why?.

I'd love to play an anti-hero - you have more fun when you're breaking rules.

Today's song:


  1. I am loving this weeks answer by everyone! I've heard of so many movies I've never seen and learned a lot of each person who has answered.

  2. Oh yes! Doris Day and Rock Hudson made me laugh so hard the other night when I watched Pillow Talk! I cannot believe I am just now seeing that movie. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  3. This is a fun set of questions and you have some good answers! I'm going to have to look up quite a few movies after this. So many that I haven't seen, but sound interesting.
