Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Unusual Music Questions

Once again, for the fifth night, I'm in a hotel room in Sydney. I'm a bit over Sydney, but thems the breaks.

All else is well.

I love these questions. Thanks, Bev. Thanks for all you do for Sunday Stealing.

1. A song that gives you goosebumps

No matter what version, My Funny Valentine will drive me to tears.


2. A song you hated once but now love

There are not many of these, but I've had a pathological hatred of INXS since a Year 11 skiing trip, where The Swing was played ad nauseum for a week. I quite like the songs Mystify and By My Side but I still can't listen to The Swing without bringing back that trip where I ended up with a touch of concussion.

3. Do you remember your first CD?

Nope, but it was probably something like Billy Joel, Phil Collins or some dodgy compilation from the late 80s..

4. Has your music taste changed much since childhood?

Yes. It's a lot more alternative and varied.

5. Favorite genre?

Adult alternative or soul.

6. What’s a genre or style of music that you just don’t understand?

Death metal (not music) and Country and Western (tone deaf yowling). Neither float my boat.

7. Do you have a process for listening to music, such as listening to the instruments more than words?

Nope. Depends on the piece. I just like music. Often its the instruments.

8. What’s your favorite thing about your favorite song?

The bass line, the fact that it's been in my life for over 30 years. The odd lyrics. It's the best of Australian Gothic.

9. Do you have a favorite decade for music?

I love the 80s. Not better music to be found.

10. Can you play any instruments?

I play the flute, badly.

11. Do you remember your first favorite song?

Yes,  because it's still my favourite song.

12. What was the first concert you ever attended?

Elton John and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at Football Park, Adelaide in about 1984... oh why couldn't this be the far less daggy Hunters and Collectors at the Tivoli in Adelaide a few years later....

Today's song:


  1. Not too fond of Australian Crawl, but loved the recording of "Funny Valentine."

  2. I like that last song "Under the Milky Way." It's always fun to visit you and find out about things on the other side of the world. And yes, the 80s had GREAT music!

  3. I'm another 80s music fan! And I picked Dirge Metal as the genre that I don't understand...

  4. I like the 80s music too although the 70s seems to be more of what I listen to these days. Must be a little bit older than you.

  5. Oh my goodness yes....death metal is awful! I totally agree! I love alternative music. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!
