Sunday, July 7, 2019

The I Love Questions Questions

Having a quiet weekend at home - and it is awesome. Lots of cleaning. Lots of writing. And a couple of movies for good measure.

Getting the blog out early.

Some good questions here, Bev. who, as always, is doing a stirling job over there at Sunday Stealing.

1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now?

Pretty much. I wish I had the opportunity to travel more and not have to worry about work or money.

2. Do you drink enough water?

Nearly, but not quite. I drink about two litres a day - I should try and incorporate another litre of fluid into the day.

3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King?

A couple of months ago I had a Whopper on the way home from the airport. It was late, I was hungry. It was on the way. And nothing beats a Whopper with Cheese with extra pickles.

4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

I like both of them, but I think the beach wins out here. I feel very peaceful when I'm at the beach.

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning?

I feel like I could use another hour in bed. I like my bed.

6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date?

As an Australian, we don't really do dating. I can't remember the last time I was taken on a real 'proper' American style date. I know it was a couple of years ago and we went Dutch.  It would be nice to know what it feels like to be taken out again.

7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes?

Thursday. To work. I wear low heeled pumps to work Monday through Thursday. Friday has a more casual dress code.

8. Vodka or wine?

Vodka. Has fewer consequences. I can't drink red wine anyway so vodka it is.

9. How often do you cry?

Not very often - maybe once a fortnight, normally at something on the telly. I've grown a lot less emotional in my old age.

10. Ever had a crush on a teacher?

Yes. I was a teenage girl once. Doesn't everybody.

11. Can you wire a plug?

If I have to. I used to wire plugs when I lived in England, but in Australia, plugs come with appliances. My stepdad is an electrician. If I have work like that I tend to take it over to him now - which is rare.

12. Do you wear socks to bed?

Never, I run hot as it is.

13. What is currently bugging you?

Our f*cking useless, cold-hearted, cretinous Federal Government. It's nothing a revolution of the sensible wouldn't fix with a bit of arsenic and flame thrower.

15. Can you change a car tire?

Yes. Again, something I haven't had to do for a very long time. Last time I needed a tyre fixed I called the RACV (Auto Club) who did an internal patch and fixed the tyre that way. (Note, it's spelled tyre over here. )

16. Have you met more than ten celebrities?

Umm, in passing, yes. I was a driver at the Melbourne Writer's Festival. I met a lot of local celebrities. I think my best celebrity meets were scumming a cigarette off of Jeremy Clarkson and standing behind Emma Thompson in the supermarket queue.

17. Do you sleep naked?

Yes. Always, all year round. Saves on washing. I only wear pyjamas when I'm staying at somebody else's place.

18. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended?

Okay, I have to name a few

  • David Byrne at the Brixton Academy London in 1993 - that was amazing.
  • The Pixies at the V-Festival, The Gold Coast, 2006
  • David Byrne's American Utopia Tour, Melbourne, 2018 (If you in or around New York in the coming months, all I can say is beg, borrow, steal or buy a ticket - it's phenomenal.
  • Hunters and Collectors at the Tivoli, Adelaide, 1990

19. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow on line?

Does Clive Owen count?  :)

20. Who is someone who has changed your life positively.

My friend Reindert. He's a most wonderful man, who I was hoping to go over and see in Colorado later in the year (but I'm going to a wedding in India instead - next year I say). He got me running. He taught me a lot about myself. He's a great friend.

21. Favourite city?

Oh don't do this to me. Can I do this by continent?

  • Europe - London (though I have soft spots for Toledo, Athens and Utrecht.
  • Asia - Hong Kong (with a soft spot for Bangkok)
  • America  - Boston. I could live in Boston. 
  • Australia - Melbourne. it's cool, it's hip, it's not too humid and the coffee is good. 

22. Can you drive?

Of course. I'm an Australian raised in the country. I've been driving since I was 14 - had a licence since I was 16.

22. Cigarettes or alcohol?

Alcohol in moderation. Gave up smoking over ten years ago.

23. Favourite and least favourite accents?

Favourite accent - I love a good French Accent
Least favourite accent - I'm not fond of bogan Australia a la Pauline Hanson. I'll attach a clip for reference.

24. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child?

Yes. I was never any good at it.

25. Do you like 1980s fashion? 

Not really. I'm still to work out the reason leg warmers came into being.

Today's song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    London is great- but only to visit. I much prefer Manchester. Yes - Hong Kong is magnificent.

    Isn't Clive Owen looking a little craggy these days?

    I'm only joking :o)



  2. leg warmers...hee, hee. They are so weird, but I loved them at the time. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  3. 2 litres of water isn't enough? My system would go into shock if I drank that much.
    I forgot about leg warmers. Can we blame Flashdance for that craze? They, along with shoulder pads, parachute pants, and giant hair should remain dead and buried in the 80's.
