Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Sad Sleepy Rambles Questions

Ah, another late blog after a very lazy day and a lovely weekend filled with a movie (Booksmart - my first five star movie for the year) and a musical (Come From Away - who knew a musical about 9/11 could be so wonderful - seriously awesome)

Questions, as per normal, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

Have you ever been teased because of the things you like?

Yep, regularly. You try be a Shakespeare nerd in a world full of magazine readers.

Do you hold grudges?

No. Pointless waste of energy.

Were there any classes you enjoyed because of the teacher?

I've had classes I've hated because of the teacher. I remember having a really good maths teacher in Year 12 (I think it might be called Senior Year). He brought the subject to life.

Was there a dress code at your school?

Sort of. Unlike now, where most schools have school uniform, we just had school colours - blue, yellow and white - and you could turn up in anything. Jeans and a sweatshirt were the way to go back then.

Have you ever been a bad friend?

Yes, but I hope it's been forgivable when I have been a bad friend. It normally entails not contacting people soon enough when I'm busy or going to ground when I'm stressed.

Has a friend ever replaced you with somebody else?

Back in childhood. It often happens when your friends find a new partner. Oh well.

Have you ever disliked something just because it was popular?

More back when I was a kid, and sometimes because I'm known to be a bit of a snob. Things like The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo books and the Fifty Shades of Grey books - tried and failed to read them - they were rubbish - and popular.

Have you ever watched a movie just because it starred an actor you liked?

Yes. I tried to watch Sin City because Clive Owen was in it - awful film. But Clive Owen was in it. I persevered for about 45 minutes before walking out.

Are there actors/musicians you have met?

I volunteered as a driver at the Melbourne Writer's Festival many years ago - I met all sorts of local celebrities then. I also pinched a cigarette of Jeremy Clarkson at a restaurant in London. That's about it.

Do you ever judge people based on the music they listen to?

Not really. I'm more likely to judge them for what they aren't reading. I have such eclectic music tastes I can't judge - tough I did used to rib my niece for being into K-Pop.

What about your top five music albums?

Ten favourites in no real order as I can't do just five:

  • The Pixies - Doolittle / Surfer Rosa
  • Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill
  • Portishead - Dummy
  • Alt-J - An Awesome Wave
  • Fun Lovin' Criminals - Come Find Yourself
  • Hoodoo Gurus - Stoneage Romeos
  • Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense
  • Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes
  • Searching for Sugarman - Rodriguez
  • The Pogues - Rum Sodomy and The Lash
  • Peter Gabriel - So

Do you remember the first album you ever owned?

I think that as Abba Arrival. I was about six.

Do you still use an mp3 player, or just your phone?

Just the phone.

Do you like Elton John?

Yes. I've remembered how much I like him after seeing Rocketman a few weeks ago - but I've got some of his early stuff on high rotation.

Have any celebrity deaths hit you hard? Which one(s)?

Two celebrity deaths which really got to me were Philip Seymour Hoffman and Alan Rickman.

I've always loved Alan Rickman - I've loved him since Truly Madly Deeply, I cried when he passed. The loss of Philip Seymour Hoffman was just a tragic waste.

Today's Song:



  1. I agree...50 Shades was drivel and I didn't get the fuss at all.
    Alan Rickman was a wonderful actor. I loved him so much in Robin Hood. I still quote some of his one-liners to this day.

  2. I lo0ve your music list! Great! Loved your answers! Have a nice Sunday!

  3. I liked the dragon tattoo books, which amazes me because it is filled with things I don't like. but I hated 50 Shades. I read the first book to find out what all the fuss was about, and had zero desire to read the others. total crap.
