Sunday, August 4, 2019

Fewer than 5000 Questions

I was sent balking when I saw the title of this meme then noticed there were only 15 questions and I was happy.

Lots to do today. It's Furious Fiction weekend. I have my 500 words drafted, but as they were written at midnight, there will be a bit of work to do on those.

It's also Harry Potter day. I've been waiting for this for a year. My parents bought be a ticket to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for my birthday last year - I've been waiting all this time for the show. Two sessions of 2.5 hours over the day. First show starts at 2 pm, the second at 7.30. I've been waiting for this for a year. (It's my birthday again in a fortnight).  I'm chuffed about this.

On the not so good side of things - I've had a minor tummy bug for a few days. It's not major but it's sapping my energy. Had a doona day on Wednesday - at least I'm functioning. (Doona = duvet = quilt).

But it's Harry Potter Day, so I'm all excited.

These 15 questions come from Bev at Sunday Stealing. Thanks, Bev.

1. Have you read anything by C.S. Lewis?

Ah, other than a few academic articles at uni, no. I missed out on the Narnia Chronicles. I tried once to read them as an adult, but like Tolkien, it didn't grab me.

2. What is your favorite movie with Jack Nicholson?

That would be a toss up between As Good as it Gets, One Flow Over the Cuckoo's Nest and About Schmitt.

3. What rhymes with 'orange'?

Technically nothing. Like silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, dangerous and discombobulate - you can only get partial rhymes out of these words. Blancmange is about as close as you get.

4. Have you ever swallowed an object by accident?

No. I've swallowed the odd fly - that is about it.

5. Is your eyesight 20/20?

No. I've worn glasses for 30 years. I'm technically short sighted, but I need to take my glasses off to read now. I'm too vain to get multi-focals. I can read without my glasses - that works for me.

6. Have you ever had insomnia?

Yes. I get bouts of it once or twice a year. It's been a lot better since I gave up caffeine. Thankfully it never lasts more than a day or two when it happens.

7. Does it bother you when people touch you?

Yes and no. I'm always surprised when people touch me, especially at work when you get a casual hand on your arm or shoulder. It's a professional thing - and I'm very aware about not touching people unless asked to (I'm the office reiki healer and reflexologist - I always get express permission to touch people). Then again, I'm the person people come and hug. I have a strange relationship to touch.

8. Is it better to get too much or too little sleep?

Is there such a thing as too much sleep - I live on about 6 hours each night - I love it when I get more.

9. What gets your adrenaline pumping?

Running late for planes. Does it every time. I make sure it doesn't happen too often.

10. Do you ever talk about yourself in the third person?

Occasionally, when I'm being ironic.

11. What's your favorite radio station? What kind of music do they play?

It used to be 107.1 SAFM when I was growing up. Now it's Gold FM - it plays a lot of 80's music and I can sing along to nearly everything it plays.

12. Do you believe there is anyplace still undiscovered in all the world?

Yes - and we can start with what is at the bottom of the ocean.

13. Ever caught a fish?

Yes. Many years ago, but I've caught a fish or two. I like fishing. Family trait. So does my mother. But I need somebody to bait me up and kill the beast after. I'm a wuss like that.

14. Were you ever in the first row of a concert?

No, but I've been near the front of a few mosh pits over the years. That was back in my misspent youth. And I got up close at the Pixies concert a few years ago, but everybody else was the same as me - middle aged, glasses, greying hair, bald spots, checking the phone for the babysitter types who then went mental when they came on.

15. Do you have any autographs?
No. Why would I do that? Unless you count my signed books - I have inscriptions from Louis De Bernieres, Richard Flanagan, Terry Jones (of Monty Python fame) and Charlotte Wood, just to name a few. I've worked a number of writer's festivals, so I've got a lot of author's signatures floating around in books.

Today's song:


  1. Ha! I am the same way about fishing. I love the challenge of catching one, but if the bait is another living critter I can't put it on the hook and I can't kill and clean the fish afterward...especially after watching those YouTube videos about the muscle memory in dead fish (with NO HEADS) flop about when someone tries to clean them. Ugh!

  2. Hi Pand,

    I actually like hugging and being hugged (both men and women) - I'm wary if I don't know them that well but hugging is a good way to bond a bit more.




  3. I think signed books counts as having autographs.

  4. I forgot all about About Schmitt. He's actually got quite a few films I enjoyed although until writing them down, I would not have realized it.

  5. I would not have read the Narnia Chronicles were it not for my granddaughter, and I re-read "The Hobbit" for the same reason, but had the same reaction to all as you did. i'm too old, I think!

  6. Speaking of books, I loved The Night Circus. It was different than most of the books I have read. I enjoyed it. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!
