Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Friday Five Questions

Another weekend, another airport. I'm discovering a love of portable technologies meaning I can write anywhere. It's a good thing.

Looking to get this done so I can do some paperwork when I get back to Melbourne. It looks like it is going to be another hell of a week at work. I've had some doozies over the last few weeks.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?

I've had many. I travel a lot. I've had numerous wonderful conversations with the people sitting next to me. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's great. Last one that comes to mind was a three hour chat I had with a Canadian diplomat who was seated next to me on a flight to Sydney a few weeks ago. The flight was delayed. Nice woman.

2. Where did you go on the very first vacation of your life?

Kangaroo Island, South Australia. I was five-years-old. I lost my first tooth on Kangaroo Island. Never been back, though on a clear day you can see it from the hills out back of Myponga.

3. Open the door of your refrigerator. What is the first thing you see?

One of the following: Dijon mustard, eggs, macadamia milk, soda water, whatever I made for lunch on the weekend.

4. What is your favorite place in your home.

It's a toss up between the couch and my bed. My spirit animal is a sloth you know...

5. If you had wings to fly about the universe, where is the first place you’d land?

Probably Saturn. I'd love to check that planet out from up close. It looks amazing.

6. What is the first thing you do when you get in your car?

Other than close the door - then I put on my seat belt (as it is illegal to drive without it here) and check my keys are close so I can get to the gate opener on my keyring.

7. What is special about the town you live in?

What is special about Melbourne? It's cosmopolitan, friendly, it has a great arts scene, it's clean, the public transport is pretty good, it's pretty safe, the coffee is fantastic and it's great for foodies. Want me to go on?

8. What is the last thing you heard about your first love?

Umm, the last I heard he was living in Adelaide. That was 30 years ago. We'll let that one go.

9. If you had created the world in seven days yourself, what would you have created on the First Day?

The land and the sea. You need a canvas, don't you.

10. How do you beat the summer heat?

Hide in movie cinemas and shopping centres. Melbourne heat can be brutal and I'm not a summer person.

11. Did you enjoy your Senior Year in high school?

Not really. Year 12 was a bit hard and a bit horrible. I liked school for the lessons, but hated it for everything else.

12. Who is your favorite First Lady of all time?

Okay, I'm not American, but I did like Michelle Obama. Such grace, intelligence and courage under fire.

Of our first ladies, our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was incredible. I don't care what anybody else says, I loved her, even if I didn't agree with her all the time.

13. Post a link to your first blog post.

Really - that was nearly ten years ago!

14. When was the last time you needed First Aid?

I needed a bandaid for a blister on my foot a few weeks ago. That's about as bad as it has been of late. Oh, and some panadol for a headache. I'm thankful I'm pretty healthy.

15. Can you explain what a first down is in football?

What? No. I can barely explain the rules of Australian Rules Football let alone that strange beast that is American Football, which makes even less sense than Aussie Rules. (Go Crows).

Today's Song:


  1. I am a huge gridiron football fan (NFL Green Bay Packers, NCAA Wisconsin Badgers, X League All Mitsubishi Lions, CFL British Columbia Lions) but the few AFL videos I just watched on YouTube... whoa.

    So. Adelaide Football Club. Go Crows!

  2. Oh, I bet you get to meet some wonderful people in your travels. I loved hearing the personal stories of people while we were on our cruise and learning what life is like in other places.
    American football is pretty simple, but it is getting mucked up with too much politics these days.

  3. Hi Pand,

    Only in Australia can there be a place called "Kangaroo Island" - sorry - that made me chuckle.





  4. You must know your first vacation sounds so awesome to me because I would love to visit Australia. Everything there sounds amazing. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  5. So how many of your goals did you accomplish?

    I wonder if your spirit animal knows mine, since they are the same!
