Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Swap Bot Questions

So it's the eve of my birthday. It's raining (thought the weather has been has been lovely for the rest of the weekend. I've had my hair cut and coloured. I've had a massage. My flat is being cleaned. My ironing is being done. And I'm thinking about what I wast to accomplish in the next year. The list is long.

I'm also considering to reconsider my stopover in Hong Kong on the way home from India on November. Not sure what to do with that one. It's a bit of a wait and see situation at the moment.

Anyway, on with the questions. One question, one piece of ironing.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1) What do you enjoy about summer?

Not very much. I'm more an autumn or winter person, but I do like those warm nights when you can sit out in a beer garden with friends and kick back with a gin and tonic or two.

2) Do you like snow? Why?

Yes, though I rarely see it so it is a real novelty.  It's not something you see outside of the snowfields in the cities. I think the last time I saw snow was about 20 years ago when I was in London.

3) What do you think about dogs?

Love them. I'm an animal lover anyway, but dogs are wonderful. I've never met one I didn't like.

4) Have you ever gotten lost?

Yes. In Norwich, England. I've been blessed with an excellent sense of direction and I can read a map, but I've had a few times when I've jsut been flummoxed. Norwich stands out as the one place I got very lost and I have no idea why.

5) What are your favorite type of socks?

Socks are socks. I just like the ones that stay on your feet when you put on your runner and not slip off at the ankles. I prefer to go barefoot anyway.

6) What is your favorite style of shoes?

Anything comfortable, but I am very fond of mid-heeled Mary-Janes. I also have my eye on a pair of brogues at a local shoe shop. I'm waiting for them to come on sale - I don't ever pay full price for shoes.

7) What would you name your boat if you had one?

The Muppet. I'd have to be a muppet to have a boat. They're almost as expensive as horses to run well.

8) What common misconception do you hate to hear repeated as fact?

Oh there are a few things - Like when they say trickle down economics work, or socialised medicine is a bad thing rather than a right. Oh, and gun control. I just don't get what is so bad about gun control. Farmers need guns. Policemen need guns. Soldiers need guns. Gun club members can have guns in a limited supply. But why does anybody in the general public need semi-automatic weaponry?

9) What was the last shop you went into and what did you buy?

I went into Coles (supermarket) this morning after the gym. I bought vegetables.

10) What's your favourite thing to do to pass the time?

Lots of things. Exercise. Read. Go out with friends. Write. Watch telly.

11) What is a way to die that scares you the most?

To be honest, I'm not afraid of dying, but I hope when it happens, it happens really quickly. I'd hate a death which involves a long, lingering painful death. I'm thankful I live in a place where there are assisted dying laws to help those who are terminally ill to pass on their own terms

12) Travel or home body?

Though I'm a homebody most of the time, I love travelling. I want to do more - I just wish it wasn't so expensive.

13) Have you ever gone to a Bingo hall?

No. Why would I?

14) What is the longest plane trip you have taken?

I did Melbourne to New York via Singapore and Frankfurt. Admittedly it was over a few days, but that was long. Longest flights I've done would probably be Bangkok - London, Singapore - London, Kuala Lumpur - London. Oh and Los Angeles to Auckland - did that once too. Great thing about being in Australia - it's a long plane ride to get anywhere.

15) Do you text more or call more? Why?

I text more - I'm an introvert - normally can't be bothered to talk to people given the option. Unless I'm up for a chat.

Today's song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    Happy birthday for tomorrow (it's Mrs PM's birthday today actually!).

    I've never been to Norwich. I won't take Mrs PM there - she has no sense of direction at all.

    It's a shame what's happening in Hong KOng. It's heartbreaking watching it on the news. I just hope things calm down peacefully soon.




  2. Hey! My birthday is this week too.

    Strange answer to your Bingo Hall reply-- I'm in Pennsylvania, USA. There are sometimes wedding receptions or parties inside bingo halls because they're cheap to rent. There you go, that's a possible why. Ha ha.

  3. Totally agree with your dog answer!

    Wishing you a very happy birthday!

  4. I've heard that the two happiest days of boat owners are the day they buy their boat -- and the day they sell it!

    Happy birthday!

  5. I have never met a dog I didn't like either. I also love to read and prefer texting. I have not enjoyed talking on the phone for a long time. I did when I was younger. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  6. Happy birthday! I just celebrated mine on the 15th.
    I'm with you about dying. Dying itself doesn't scare me, but a long and/or painful way of getting to it does scare me.
    I enjoyed your answers. Have a great day tomorrow!
