Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Love Me Some Questions Meme

Another lovely weekend at home. A good float. A binge watch of Big Little Lies. It makes for a nice weekend. Even better, the first smatterings of Spring is making an appearance.

So all is well.

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music?

All the time. But I have very eclectic tastes, as anybody who has listened to my song of the day at the bottom of my blog can attest to. Loving The Pixies gets me in a bit of trouble. Love The Pixies. We are a special breed.

2. Is anyone’s birthday coming up?

I've just had mine. I have quite a few birthdays coming in September and October.

3. Do you remember who you liked in grade eight?

Year eight was 40 years ago. I do remember who I liked, but I'll leave it at that. I think he died from an overdose in his 20s.

4. When was the last time you burned any part of your body?

I got my hand with the iron a few weeks ago - it was very minor. No scars.

5. If I gave you ten dollars, what would you spend it on?

Probably coffee. That would get me two coffees. Please remember that AUD$10 gets me about US$7 on a good exchange rate day. A coffee around here is about $4-5....

6. What are you most excited about right now?

I'm going to India in November. That's a bit exciting.

7. Does / did either of your parents serve in the military?

No. I have an uncle who was a pilot in the army. He now lives in Tijuana.

8. Are you somewhat of a perfectionist?

I have perfectionist tendencies. I'm working on reducing this - far too stressful. Now I just like to do a good job.

9. Do you like sour candy?

Absolutely. Sour worms and sour jelly beans are the best.

10. Are all nighters something you have grown used to?

I don't do all nighters. Too old for that.

11. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving?

When it's sunny, absolutely. I wouldn't be able to see where I was going if I didn't.

12. Do you wear your shoes around the house?

Generally not. I'm normally barefoot year round. If it's really cold I'll shove on some socks or a pair of slippers.

13. What clothes are you most comfortable in?

Loose trousers and a top. I don't like wearing tight clothing.

14. Are you good at painting nails?

I'm not too bad at it. I don't do it very often.

15. Smoothies or slushies?

Neither, though I am partial to a slushie in summer when it's really hot. Smoothies often have banana in them, and I'm not a fan of banana.

Today's song.


  1. That's too bad about your 8th grade crush. Mine is still alive, but a total train-wreck. It's sad how many from our youth seem to be falling to drugs, alcohol, or avoidable health issues.
    Sour jelly beans really are the best!
    Have a great week!

  2. I am also not a fan of bananas. They make me shudder!

  3. Hi Pand,

    Wow - India! I would love to go there.




  4. Your trip to India sounds exciting! Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  5. Exciting that you're going to India. It's one country (among a handful of others) that I've never had a desire to visit. But I look forward to a good description when you return!

  6. Bananas, uggghhh. The texture is
