Sunday, September 1, 2019

Music Asks Meme

So today I am celebrating my return to Australia after a long time in London. I'm also celebrating my 20th anniversary of living in Melbourne.

It's a different city to the city I came to 20 years ago. It's a different country, different political mindset, different lots of things.

Am I different to the person who came back here all those years ago.

So while I'm in this pensive mood, a quiz about musical tastes is a good thing to get my out of this funk. And as I have such strange and varied musical whims, I will demonstrate with video clips.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

A song you like with a colour in the title

Silver by The Pixies. Love this downbeat song of theirs. It lets you get a breath when you're in the mosh pit.

    A song that needs to be played very loud

Song Two by Blur

    A song that makes you want to dance

Smooth by Santana. It gets the hips moving.

    A song to drive to

I like driving to Simon and Garfunkel - it's timeless. Me and Julio down by the schoolyard is a classic.

    A song with a number in the title

9 Crimes by Damien Rice. Love Damien Rice.

    A song that makes you happy

April Sun in Cuba by Dragon. This always reminds me of Summer when I was a kid. And Countdown, the best rock and roll program ever. Vale Mark Hunter.

    A song that makes you sad

He was only 19 by Redgum. It's about the Vietnam War. Most Australians can sing along to this.

    A song that reminds you of summer

This is a strange choice as I've used April Sun in Cuba already, but it reminds me of Summer nights in London.

Glory Box by Portishead.

    A song that you remember from your childhood

One of the joys of having a good memory is the crappy songs you remember from childhood. This one was playing in my head the other day. It is awful, but I sorta like it.

    A song that breaks your heart

My Funny Valentine. It always cuts me to the quick. Doesn't matter which version of it is playing.,

    A song that you never get tired of

My favourite song for over thirty years has been Reckless, by Australian Crawl. It's just my song.

    A song from your preteen year

I was 12 in 1980. Some great music came out then. But I've alway been a rock chick and Blondie is still one of my favourites.

    A song that is a cover by another artist

Ah, Sinead O'Connor's Nothing Compares 2 You was originally released by Prince. The later version is superlative. But I'm giving this to Brian Ferry's version of Jealous Guy, which was first released by John Lennon. Ferry whistles better...

    A song from the year you were born

Oh dear here we go. Lets dust of the vinyl... Gotta love a song about eskimos.

    A song that makes you think about life

The Waterboys Fisherman's Blues gets me for some reason. Every damned time.

    Your favourite song with a persons name in the title

Cecilia Ann by The Pixies. One of the best songs off the Bossonova album.

    A song that you think everyone should listen to

I get a bit of my new music off of the soundtrack to Suits. I've got a newfound love of soul thanks to Suits. This comes from there.

    A song by a band you wish were still together

I'm a bit of a fan of The Police. They were great.

    A song by an artist no longer living

Another member of the 27 Club is Amy Winehouse. Such a waste.

    A song by an artist with a voice you love

There are so many voices out there that I love, so many to choose from. But live, one of the best I've seen is Jason Mraz. He's got the voice of an angel. Great recorded - better live.

And today's song, just because: (From the year of my birth)


  1. I'm, unfortunately, reading some of these posts before I head out to work so I don't have time to give the songs a listen and I really want to check out the ones on your list. You have so many we in the U.S. haven't heard of.

  2. Thanks for all the links! Other than Simon and Garfunkle, I don't think I've heard of any of your choices. A musical education for me.

  3. Hi Pand,

    No surprise you have a couple of Pixies songs in there. Good ones too.

    I love Song 2 - very unlike Blur.

    I remember "You're Miving Out Today" too - that makes me feel very old.

    Atomic is my favourite Blondie song.

    Good choices.





  4. great mix here. Santana has always been a favorite for me.

  5. Nice mix of music! I so love music so I have a long playlist, like hundreds with zillions of songs. HaHaHaHa Thanks for sharing.
