Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Compassion Meme

Well, after thinking I was going to die in a plane crash yesterday, I am here. Bathed, relaxed and glad the winds have died down here in Sydney, as I don't want a landing like that in a hurry.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

What is the most fun thing you have ever done?

I've done lots of fun things in the past - but I still think the balloon ride I received for my 40th birthday was one of the most fun things I've ever done.

There are lots of things to choose from.

Are you left-handed or right-handed?

I'm technically ambidextrous, though I write with my write hand. Don't make me use scissors with my right hand - I just can't do it.

What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?

I have fond memories of a friend looking after me when my Dad died. She was just there, not in my face, not leaving me alone. She was just there. And I will never forget this kindness.

What is the biggest animal you’ve seen in the wild?

I've seen some pretty big red kangaroos. Oh, and elephants in Thailand, but they weren't technically in the wild.

What is the smallest animal you’ve seen in the wild?

The antichinuses at my folks place are tiny. The size of mice.

Do you ever have funny dreams at night?

Not often. I rarely dream, but when I do, they are weird.

If you could make a law for your country, what would it be?

I would ban all religious and corporate intervention in affairs of the state. Too much crap comes out of these two things.

What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

Probably sneak into the theatre - something good. Maybe even take a plane somewhere. That could be fun.

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?

No, I'm good with being me. Though I'd like to be Scott Morrison for a day and overturn a heap of his rank policies.

What would you like to change about yourself?

I'd love to have a much faster metabolism.

What is your daily routine.

During the week, wake up, have half an hour to acclimatise to the day, shower, breakfast, train to work, go to work, lunch around one, leave around five, do my nightly activities (gym, dinner, what ever that might be) shower, go to bed. Repeat.

What would your perfect day be like?

Long sleep in, decadent breakfast, maybe a  swim or a gym, a decent movie, catch up with friends, lovely dinner at a good breakfast, nice cuddles just before going to sleep.

How old were you when you learned to read?

I think I was four when I learned the basics off my grandmother, but picked it up quickly at school when I was five.

What is the most interesting thing you know?

I know far too much crap to put down one fact. I know that penning a novel is an interesting process - and it is a process.

What makes you nervous?

The current state of the world and the climate.

What is your favourite flower?

I love roses of any persuasion.

Have you ever ridden on a horse or any other animal?

Only horses and cows as a child, and I've been on one elephant ride as an adult.

What time do you go to bed?

Normally sometime between eleven and midnight.

What time do you get up?

I'm often awake by 6 am, but get out of bed just before seven.

What is something that is always in your refrigerator?

You will normally find the following in my fridge: Mustard, smoked salmon, pickles, eggs and macadamia milk.

Today's song:


  1. A faster metabolism would be a wonderful thing to have.
    Antichinuses...thank goodness for Google. I need it to explain something every time I visit your blog. lol
    Enjoyed your answers and I'm glad your plane got down safely!

  2. Hi Pand,

    A balloon trip would not be fun for me as I am terrified of heights.

    And also, I saw an elephant in Thailand - more accurately on the street in Bangkok. I completely forgot about it until you mentioned it.




  3. Your law is perfect! I wish I thought of it!

  4. I would like a faster metabolism as well. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!
