Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Countdown Questions

Late start on this. Lovely quiet weekend in Sydney.

Back now and getting onto this very late.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

15 things that make you smile:

  1. Puppies
  2. Kittens
  3. Monty Python
  4. The Young Ones
  5. Happy stories
  6. Cat videos
  7. A well made sentence
  8. Decent poetry
  9. 80s music
  10. Good perfume
  11. Travel
  12. Taking photos
  13. Writing
  14. Good food
  15. Gin

[ 14 things that make you frown ]

  1. Scott Morrison
  2. Donald Trump
  3. Boris Johnson
  4. Cruelty
  5. Snakes
  6. Spiders
  7. Global Warming / Climate Change
  8. Most of the current Federal Government's so called policies
  9. Trams that appear to never come
  10. Being bored
  11. Being sick
  12. Very hot weather
  13. Very humid weather
  14. Being stuck without a book

[ 13 things you see every day ]

  1. My pillow
  2. Netflix
  3. My blood pressure meds
  4. Trams
  5. Cars
  6. Books
  7. My shower
  8. My toothbrush
  9. My wallet
  10. My phone
  11. My house keys
  12. Hope
  13. Stupid politicians

[ 12 things you have always wanted to try ]

  1. Skydiving
  2. Acting
  3. Change Management
  4. Every gin in the world
  5. Attica restaurant
  6. Being married
  7. Writing a best seller
  8. Taking a year off to travel the world
  9. Owning a cat
  10. Living in the country (again)
  11. Adult swimming lessons
  12. Piano lessons

[ 11 objects that mean a lot to you ]

  1. My passport
  2. My Pandora bracelets
  3. My Washing Machine
  4. My iron
  5. My HRT patches
  6. My little elephant collection
  7. The pictures of my niece 
  8. My books
  9. The teddy bear my grandfather gave me when I was born
  10. My copy of Captain Corelli's Mandolin signed by Louis de Bernieres. 
  11. Scabbers x 2, the toy rats that live in my car.

[ 10 places you have been ]

  1. New Zealand
  2. The Greek Islands
  3. Spain
  4. Italy
  5. Paris
  6. London
  7. Ireland
  8. Boston
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Bali

[ 9 of your favorite foods ]

  1. Ice cream
  2. Salad
  3. Eggs
  4. White chocolate
  5. Mum's roast lamb
  6. Smoked salmon
  7. Chicken
  8. Asparagus
  9. Anything Mexican

[ 8 things you would rather be doing ]

  1. Sleeping
  2. Writing
  3. Watching Netflix
  4. Swimming
  5. Exercising
  6. Reading
  7. Travelling
  8. Shagging

[ 7 things you would take to a deserted island ]

  1. Books
  2. A cat
  3. A computer with an everlasting battery
  4. Pens and paper
  5. A big number of toothbrushes
  6. Sunscreen'
  7. My pillow

[ 6 things you wish you never had to do ]

  1. Go to Naples (Horrid place)
  2. Physics in Year 11
  3. Repeat my third year of university (I got sick in my last year)
  4. Read Cleo - The Cat that Healed a Family by Helen Browne
  5. Listen to the awful, fucked up right wing politicians we have in power at the moment
  6. Renounce the fact that I am Australian on occasion. 

[ 5 people that mean the world to you ]

  1. Jonella
  2. Blarney
  3. Geetangeli
  4. Mariah
  5. Him in Sydney

[ 4 of your biggest fears ]

  1. Dying a slow, painful death
  2. Huntsman Spiders
  3. Escalators
  4. Commitment

[ 3 words to describe how you feel right now ]

  1. Hopeful
  2. Tired
  3. Thirsty

[ 2 things you're excited for ]

  1. Going to India in a few weeks
  2. Finishing my novel

[ 1 thing you want to say to someone ] 

  1. Go on, you really want to give me a 12 month contract starting mid-November. Go on, you know you want to.

Today's song:


  1. Giggling that your iron is one of your favorite things. I have to dust mine (really) to use it, it gets used so little.

  2. Hi Pand,

    Quite a few similarities there.




  3. LOL. You, Plastic Mancunian and I have the same feelings about our government...different countries. We need more countries represented here.
