Sunday, October 13, 2019

The More than Tuesday 4 Meme

Another weekend, another bout of antibiotics. Fell ill late last week and had to miss the wonderful weekend I was so looking forward to - my theatre ticket was sold on  to a friend, and I've managed to move a writer's course I was supposed to be doing today until early next year - so I'm going in for day four on the couch tomorrow. The doctor was lovely this morning. Told that if I don't rest, pneumonia was on the cards.

Thankfully, I'm feeling better than I was yesterday, even if I'm downing panadol and ventolin like they are going out of fashion. Just over being sick.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1.   Have you ever known anyone that’s been on tv, including you?

I've known lots of people who've been on TV - including myself. Was was on telly many years ago on an episode of Win Roy and HGs Money. Beat a Sale of the Century winner. Quite a few of my friends have been on telly on the news, normally protesting one thing or another.

2.   What do you find yourself buying all the time?

In no apparent order, Protein balls, salad, tissues (this week anyway), take away coffee, lunch.

3.   When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail?

Years ago I think. I did get an unexpected parcel last week - that was lovely. Socks for my birthday even.

4.   Have you ever lived in a house/apartment that has been broken into?

Thankfully, no, but the next door neighbour got her flat broken into by junkies when I was living in East Melbourne. Long may this continue.

5. Did you walk to school with your friends? Take a school bus? Ever have someone carry your books home from school?

When I was in Adelaide, I walked with the other kids from school. Once we moved to Myponga, it was the school bus every day, until final year when I used to drive occasionally.

6. Do you like pumpkin seeds? Do you carve the pumpkin and roast the seeds? Do you buy packaged, prepared pumpkin seeds?

Pepitas are fine, but I buy them roasted and salted or as a part of a bag of scroggin. Pumpkins, in Australia, are for savoury meals - soup, roasted, in pumpkin scones. You don't waste them on make Jack 'o' Lanterns.

7. Does your car or did a family car have a name?

I always have named by cars. Currently, I have Clive. I've also had Andrew, Colin, Phoebe and Edna. Edna was an EJ Holden. The other cars were named after middle aged accountants - always something boring, but reliable.

8.  The first week of October was National Mystery Series Week. Do you sleuth alongside Nancy Drew or Miss Marple? Fan of Nero Wolfe?

I'm no a crime reader or watcher, but I was partial to the Dr Blake Mysteries before Craig McLachlan was outed as a tosser.  I'm also fond of Harrow. Both shows are Australian fare.

9. Have you ever spent ages writing something on your computer when it suddenly crashed and you lost it all?

I'm a technical writer - it happens all the time.

10. Are you one of those people who can sleep through anything?

No, I'm normally the one who's awake through everything. I have sleeping tablets for the overnight flights on my trip to India to give me some rest.

11. What type or kind of art do you like? And do you draw or paint yourself

I can't draw or paint well, but I love all kinds of art. I don't really have a favourite.

12. If you went to London, where would you go first?

One of two places. Westminster Abbey to go visit the tomb of Edward the Confessor - or to the Sainsbury's Wing at the National Gallery to visit the girlies - The Wilton Diptych. I can never get enough of that.

Image result for Wilton diptych

13.  What is one quote that you love to quote?

Take your pick -

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." The Princess Bride
"The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact.' Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream.
"No, we don't have a video!" Vyvyan, The Young Ones.

14.  Do you ever at times see the world in black and white?

No, I'm just one big shade of grey. Very rarely will I see things in black and white.

15. Do you believe there is life somewhere else in the universe?

Yes. I think it would be rude not to.

Today's Song:


  1. I would love to visit London! Love your answers! Have a nice day!

  2. Adrian Edmondson's comments following the death of Rik Mayall were especially touching in context of their deep friendship.

  3. About those savory pumpkin wouldn't happen to have a recipe for ham and pumpkin stew would you? I used to get it every fall a little mom and pop restaurant until it burned down and they didn't rebuild. I have been searching for a recipe ever since with no luck.

  4. Oh, yes. Rest because you do NOT want Pneumonia. If you've had it before it's easier to get it again.
    I forgot but you reminded me. I've been filmed at protests. I never checked to see if it "hit the big Box"- or is tv the Little Box?
    We used to cook our Jack O lanterns like acorn squash. Waste not want not. By the time the oven got done with them, nothing was left living.
    Rest my young friend!
