Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Pinterest Questions

One week in on this sabbatical and I'm finding my energy. The creativity is nowhere to be seen, as I struggle with this month's Furious Fiction challenge, which has the the following criteria and of which I cannot find a story... great. It's only 500 words but it's a challenge. Due midnight tonight.

  • Your story must include the following words: JINGLE, CLICK, BUMP, SIZZLE (plurals or -ing variants are allowed).
  • Your story's final sentence must contain exactly THREE words.

Ah well, will get the blog out the way first. Questions as always from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. What don’t you share?

Dessert. Actually that's not quite true. If there is an agreement to share dessert, I will share dessert. If not, I won't. I also don't share creme brulee - ever. That's the rules.

2. A reason to celebrate?

My contract is over and I'm on a primarily self enforced sabbatical for a few weeks. This is a very good thing and a great reason to celebrate.

3. Describe where you are now.

In the lounge room sitting at the table, which needs a tidy, but is not as bad as it normally is. Killing Eve is on the telly and I have a glass off rosewater and lemonade fizzy water near me.

4. A dream that seems impossible.

Living in England again. At the moment, with the current political climate, I'd love to be living in England again. I haven't lived there for 20 years, but there is part of me which would love to resettle there.

5. Something you hope for.

By some miracle, a change in our Federal Government, where the current muppets are completely obliterated from the face of the earth, That and enough rain to put out the fires in Sydney. Those bushfires are really bad.

6. A tradition that makes you feel at home.

I don't really have any traditions as such, but I know that any place where I can lie down on the couch with a drink and a cat and I'm pretty much there.

7. The people who make your life better.

My friends. They are pretty awesome. Not going to call them out individually, but they make life good. I'd be lost without them.

8. Someone you’d like to meet.

Oh, there are a lot of people I'd love to meet. Currently I'd like to run in to Anthony Albanese, the opposition leader, so I can ask him why he isn't fighting more in Parliament - then again, he's more than likely to tell me that he; letting the current government shoot themselves in the balls - they are doing a good job of it.

9. A silly thing you’d really like.

Fairy lihgts. I love fairy lights. I have a gin bottle full of them next to the telly.

10. A book from your childhood

I was a big reader as a kid. Read everything - but one title that I know I loved was Ramona the Pest by Beverly Cleary. Don't ask me anything about it - all I know is she had a big sistern named Beezuz.

11. Something you’re still not sure about.

I'm still not sure about the television show Killing Eve. I'm only just getting into it, but I think it might be a bit of a mindf*ck. It is great, but I'm teetering on whether it will be a bit too much for me.

12. The best dessert to share with friends.

The Cassata I make for Xmas. We used to make it for a beloved aunt who had a birthday on Christmas Day as her birthday cake. I soup up Mum's recipe, which is straight from the Woman's weekly cookbook. First layer, Whipped cream with brandied cherries. Next layer, vanilla ice cream with dark chocolate through it. Top layer is vanilla ice cream mixed in with almond toffee and topped with roasted almonds and toffee shards. Yum.

13. A story that captures your imagination

Trent Dalton's Boy Swallow Universe really got me when I read it. How he's woven in 1980's Brisbane with an incredible shaggy dog story gets me. I want to be able to do that.

14. Memories beside a fireplace.

My first kiss was next to an open fire. Saying nothing more than that.

15. How do you spend a rainy day?

Reading, writing, in the gym or cleaning the flat. Sounds sort of like my sabbatical, though it is summer....

Today's song:


  1. Oh, I hate a looming deadline and a bit of writer's block. I hope it all came together and you got the job done.

  2. Hi Pand,

    England is in a complete mess at the moment thanks to various political idiots.

    But, hey, you're still welcome to come and visit us. Most of the people are sane - for the moment at least.




  3. I couldn't stick with Killing Eve long enough to figure out if I would eventually like it.

  4. Cassata sounds delicious, but doesn't the ice cream mash the whipped cream?

    Why is it that so many governments around the world are so terrible right now?
