Sunday, December 1, 2019

Fill in the blanks

An hour of writing  - complete.
An hour of reading  - complete.

Exercise later.

It's nearly summer and it is Melbourne and I have a barbeque to go to and it's raining. Oh what fun. I've made the fruit salad, at which I can see Blarney's kids turning up their noses. I think lychees, plums, passionfruit, mango, peaches, pineapple and peaches makes a great fruit salad - the kids might not agree. I've got Greek yoghurt to go on top. Yeah, the kids are going to love me.

Questions, as always, from Bev from Sunday Stealing.

1. Right now I'm pondering how I'm going to write a poem about a bed of nails. It's in my head, it won't go away. A well - it will out when its ready.

2. Singing Cold Chisel songs when I've had too much to drink is my well known quirk.

3. Are you really certain that you think Scott Morrison is a good Prime Minister? If you are then we can't be friends.

4. Exercise first, then go job hunting! (They call it priorities)

5. That's why lychees are still be best fruit ever - no explanation needed.

6. Six Feet Under is one of my favorite tv shows ever!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to trying to find that poem about a bed of nails, tomorrow my plans include exercising, reading , job hunting, writing and unfortunately planning for the Melbourne Co-Masonic Property Association AGM... oh what fun.

8. If I could go anywhere on a road trip, I'd go to Robe, South Australia - I feel the need to go visit my grandparents *(whose ashes were scattered at the end of the jetty). Part of me still wants to drive from LA to Boulder, Colorado via Las Vegas and some interesting looking national parks on the way. Maybe next year.

Image result for robe south australia

9. How Scott Morrison thinks he's doing a good job is something I don't understand.

10. Thanksgiving makes me think of my American friends and family and the Black Friday sales.

11. Baths are the best way to relax!

12. It looks like Autumn when the leaves start to change colour. That's a good four or five months away at the moment - we've just gone into summer, not that you would know it.

13. Hummus is one of my favorite healthy snacks.

14. The smell of juicy fruit chewing gum makes me think of my father.

15. When I am feeling lazy I turn on Netflix and binge away.

16. When I look to the left, I see the windowsill and the flats next door.

17. The kitchen is the room that has the best view in my home. I can see right to the city.

18. Dirty Deeds was done dirt cheap! A good AC/DC song if ever there was one. (I also sing AC/DC songs when I've had too much to drink. Be thankful that is a very rare occurence)

19. Looking after the environment is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.

20. If you have any spare gin or ice cream feel free to share it with me.

Today's song (because I was singing this in the shower this morning)


  1. Ah, the interview....I hope it went well!
    You reminded me that I have some hummus in the fridge to go with the veggies from our Thanksgiving yesterday (we celebrated late).
    AC/DC rocked.

    Have a great day!

  2. I lived in Boulder for a couple of years back in the early 90s. Loved it. Have you ever been to New Mexico? If not, you've got to get it on your list! I so enjoy reading about your travels...the India posts were fascinating.

  3. Insert "Dopnald Trump" for Scott Morrison in #3 and I'd agree 100%

    Gin was my drink of choice when I was drinking, but I gave it up years ago. I still have a gin and tonic now and then, but rarely.

  4. I love AC/DC, I cannot believe that song did not come to mind when I read that prompt. Loved your answers. Have a nice day!

  5. I liked Six Feet Under, too. Great show.

  6. I want that recipe! Sounds awesome!
    I'm going to see if "Six Feet Under" is streaming somewhere..fingers crossed!
    When I still could drink, I loved Gin and Tonic. Margarita's in Summer, Gin and Tonic in Winter.
    So, we aren't the only one with some real asshats for polies? I wish you luck in getting rid of him!

  7. PS. I hope you get to take that trip from L.A. to Boulder Via Las Vegas. Come home via four corners parkland areas and see Bryce and a few others. Fabulous stuff out there...

  8. Six Feet Under was my favorite until the last few seasons. I don’t need to be drunk to sing AC/DC. If it comes on in the car, if anything 70’s-90’s comes on, I’m singing along and doing air guitar at the stoplights. My kids claim to be embarrassed, but quite often I get them to join in.

  9. Hi Pand,

    I know a song called Bed of Nails - coincidentally (since I mentioned it in my blog post) it is by Alice Cooper. Look it up - your poem might surface either in agreement or as an alternative (in disgust).



