Sunday, February 2, 2020

Another Food Meme

Back in Sydney. it's horrible hot and horrible humid, just as I left it in Melbourne yesterday. I'm hiding out in the air conditioning in the Qantas lounge for a few hours before my flight. It's better waiting it out here in the cool - with the free food and drink, as opposed to nearly faint from the perspiration outside. Thankfully Melbourne is in for a cooler week.

Questions, as always, provided and sourced by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

How do you like your eggs?

If I'm making them myself, poached on toast, with tomato sauce. If I'm out, I'm very fond of Eggs Atlantic (with smoked salmon, wilted spinach and hollandaise) or Eggs Benedict. Depends on the place and what I feel like. 

How do you take your coffee/tea:

Yes, but without caffeine. So my standard coffee order is an almond decaf latte.

If you're making me a cup of normal black tea, I take it with a spot of milk - no sugar.

 I drink a lot of herbal tea and cold water tisanes too. In my fridge at the moment is Turkish Apple Tea. It's divine. 

Favorite breakfast foods:

Eggs. I do cereal during the week as its easy.

Peanut butter: smooth or crunchy?

Crunchy. Is there any other kind?

What kind of dressing on your salad?

This is a bit of an American question I think. Salad dressings go with the salad. If you're talking boring lettuce, tomato etc, etc, then balsamic vinegar and a bit of olive oil. But different salads required different dressings. Like you wouldn't use coleslaw dressing on it, you need decent mayonnaise. Or some of the wonderful Middle Eastern salads about the place need specialised dressings - lemon, tahini, oil, garlic... I like to make my own dressings for these. 
Coke or Pepsi?

When I drank it, it was Coke all the way (Well Coke Zero / Sugar Free). Not a fan of Pepsi. As it's caffeinated, I haven't drank it in 18 months. I don't miss it. 

You feel like cooking. What do you make?

I don't feel like doing proper cooking very often, only making a song and dance of things when I have people over. I love baking and make a stellar Lemon Polenta cake. My chocolate cakes, made from scratch (no packets here) are really good too. 
You’re feeling lazy. What do you make?

My standards are chicken and salads / vegetables, fish and salad, steak or stir fries. Easy stuff. 

In a lazy, I want something to eat, but I can't be bothererd, then its cheese on toast with a smattering of Worcestershire sauce. Sort of a poor man's Welsh Rarebit. 

You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?

I very rarely get in pizza. When I do it's a meat lovers or Mexican hot. Thin crust please. From the Italian joint down the road, even better. 

Is there a food you refuse to eat?

I won't say I refuse to eat things, but on my prefer not to list are bananas and lasagne. Lasagne as you don't know what's in it. Bananas just have too many variables. 

I'm also funny about beany things. If I see there are chick peas or broad beans in something, I'll tend to give it a miss. Really have to be in the mood, or making it myself. I make great hummus. 

Favorite fruit / vegetable:

I love most berries, mangos and lychees. Lychees are awesome. 

Favorite junk food:

If I want a junk meal it's a toss up between KFC or Hungry Jacks (also known as Burger King) Nothing beats a Whopper with Cheese, with extra pickle. 

For snacky things, I love cheezels and burger rings - again, they're Australian things. 

Favorite between meal snack:

I'm a big fan of nuts - almonds, walnuts, cashews. I always have them on hand. 

Do you have any weird food habits:

Other than smothering my eggs in tomato sauce (ketchup)? I like my barbequed onions fairly crispy. Not really. I'm known for telling everybody who will listen that I don't like banana. 

You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on?

Green vegetables and lean protein. 

How spicy do you order Indian/Thai?

Fairly hot. Not locals hot, but I like my food to have a bit of a kick to it. 

The perfect nightcap?

Other than a gin and tonic? I'm known for making vegemite toast late in the evening. Vegemite is great stuff, but it's all about the butter/vegemite ratio. 

Today's Song:


  1. I've had vegemite. One taste was enough. Ewww.

    I can understand not liking bananas because of the taste, but what sort of variables are there in a banana?

  2. Worcestershire sauce makes all things better...except bananas.

  3. Hi Pand,

    Salmon and scrambled eggs lovely!

    I've all but eliminated caffeine now. Decaf tea was a challenge but you just have to brew it stronger.

    I only have Marmite in the morning - a little too strong to have before bed.




  4. I love poached eggs on toast. I haven't had them in years. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  5. I don't know how I forgot about my dislike for bananas--I refuse to eat them.
