Monday, February 3, 2020

Best Self Card: Meaningful Jobs

Best Self Card: In your peer group, who do you look to that has the most meaningful job. What could you learn from them?

Ergh, this is a bit of a loaded question. Most of the people I know are in technology or banking, but I do have a few friends who have the most weird and wonderful jobs.

I look to my mate Bria. She's an ethicist with the United Nations, working on policy around the data collection and other technology aspects where children are involved. She's a brilliant woman. Very funny. She's moving to New York soon from Italy, where she's been based for years. What can I learn from her? Perseverence. She fought long and hard to get this role. She persevered through her PhD, did a lot of contracts and finally got this role - doing so much good for so many people.

I look to Gaynor, who's a primary school teacher (and to all the teachers out there) How must if feel to be shaping the youth of the future. I can learn a lot of patience and fortitude. All teachers need this. I have no idea how teachers do this.

My friend Kaz is a librarian. She helps people to learn, gets knowledge into people's head, works with the community and lets information get out to the public. Librarians are a very undervalued resource - like teachers. I can learn a lot about grace from Kaz.

Then there's Mariah, who's been a social worker for as long as I can remember working in the public sector. First of all, I've no idea hell she's worked for the government for so long, but how she has been helping the less fortunate of the country for so many years. From Mariah, I could learn a lot about compassion under fire - because really, she has seen it all - and I would never be able to cope.

I wonder what it would be like to have a job which was really meaningful. I like my jobs, for the most part, but I can't see that what I do on a day to day basis gives anything back to humanity.

Maybe when I get my novel out, I'll do more service to humanity. At the moment, I'm just glad I'm doing something which doesn't piss off too many people. Well in my day job.

The holistic healer part of me is of a bit more meaning, but we don't talk about that very often.

Today's song:

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