Tuesday, February 4, 2020


I'm a bit NQR today - not quite right. I'm not bad. I'm not sick. I'm just not feeling overly brilliant today. I'm just a bit headachy and feeling off colour. No energy, my throat is a bit sore. Nothing that some panadol and a lie down won't contain. but it means things aren't getting done. I've got a toilet and hallway to paint out, a CV to go over and a flat to clean - but I don 't feel guilty. I just feel NQR.

It's a hangover from the ghastly weather over the weekend. After spending in a day in air conditioning up in Sydney I think this is what started it all up. It will go away. Have a quiet one. Drink lots of water. Take the panadol. Read a book. Fun.

Or maybe this malaise is just a result of the political situation here at here at the moment. Thankfully Barnaby Joyce is not the leader of the Nationals. We've had him as the deputy Prime Minister. Once was enough. I worry about the Nationals. I get that we need to hear the voice of the country, but must they be represented by a mob of rorting tossers who seem hellbent on wrecking the joint. Like putting David Littleproud in charge of water. He's incompetent and leading the country down an awful path.

Barnaby Joyce is just a tool. There is plenty of evidence to show this.

But the rest of them appear to be rorting arsewipes.

Up to par with many other Libs, many of whom seem to be berks like this.

Maybe it's because I'm feeling NQR. Maybe it's because everything seems so nuts at the moment. Maybe I'm getting my head around the fact I'm getting paid monthly from March (ARGH - I've been on weekly or fortnightly pay for the last ten years. I have to learn how to budget.

I'm going back to the couch.

Today's Song:

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