Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Best Self Card: Delegation

Best Self Card: What 10 things would you hand off to an assistant if I had one.

As I'm too tired to write tonight, it's a quick list out of the box.

But here we go - what would I delegate? What jobs do I wish somebody else could do?

1. The cleaning of the floors.

Please, please could somebody do my floors. I hate mopping and hoovering, but it feels so much better when it's done.

2. Meal prep

I like cooking, but I hate cutting things up. No things

3. Budgeting

I'm a lot better at this that I make up, but it would be great to have a person who could really keep my finances on track - crack the whip - though I'm getting a lot better at it - I've had to get good at it.

4. House Clearing

I'm pretty good at Marie Kondo-ing places, but I wish there was somebody who could make a few decisions for me.

5. Dusting

Another job I loathe. Looking at this list, I just need an efficient house cleaner.

6. Editing

I'd love an editor on tap. Editing is something I can do but I don't love it.

7. Tidying up

The only thing about delegating the tidying up is you'd never find anything again.

8. Toenails

Could I please have a live in podiatrist to do my toenails properly. Toenails aren't fun thing - it's good if they are done properly.

9. My mason's crap admin

I wish I could hand this off - it keeps coming back like a bad penny. Would love to have somebody else do this and to the level which I do the tasks.

10. Sleep.

I could use another two to three hours a night. If somebody could have some naps for me, life would be great,

Today's Song:

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