Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I don't feel like writing

So here is a list of things that have to get done in the next week. This is why I don't feel like writing. I don't feel like writing cos I've just got back from book group and I'm a bit tired. I've been doing compliance training for the two days, I'm a bit brain dead.

But here's some of the things I want to get done by next Monday. This is more for me than you:

  • Clean the flat from head to toe as I have an inspection next week. 
  • Contact the landlord about changing the locks
  • Finish the book group book - it's the first time in 15 years I haven't finished the book
  • Make some biscuits for soap guy to say thanks for all his help.
  • Go to the gym x 3
  • Mediation on Saturday
  • Massage on Saturday (I've been told I can go on credit - joys of being a local with cred)
  • Visit my post box x 2 - Hopefully some of the cards that have been reordered will come through soon. 
  • Maybe see Richard Jewell or Emma.
  • Brew another batch of kombucha
  • Maybe talk to Reindert
  • Make my lunch for the next two days (at least)
  • Go see Blarney and Maow Maow
  • Get some Mason's stuff done
  • Update the book group facebook page with the next meeting date. 
Yeah. All this on top of recalibrating my work time clock (ie get up at 6.30 not 9 am - go to be by 111.30 - not 2)

I'm tired, but its fun. 

Today's song:

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