Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Best Self Card: Making Money

Before I start on the Best Self Card, I'll fill you in on what I'm reading. Suzanne Daniels' Allegra in Three Parts. Found it under the bed when I was cleaning. Australian. Not too long. Good Goodreads.com standing. Light, but not too light.

I'm still cleaning and tidying, but the real estate agent can come in on Thursday and the place does not look like a brothel. I don't now why they bother doing inspections. I'm not a hoarder. I'm not running a meth lab. I don't have 20 students living in the spare room. I don't have 15 cats (but I would like one or two). Ah well. The joys of renting.

Right, today's Best Self Card.: If you could make an income in any way, what would you do?

I would write. I would write poetry. I would write novels. I would write articles for newspapers and magazines. I would write for the sheer joy of it.

Thing is, I write for a living, but I write boring corporate crap - normally computer instructions - but I can do this with my hands tied behind my back. That and training materials. It pays the rent and keeps me in the way to which I have become accustomed. But I would love to write creatively for a living. I'm hoping this course I start next week will maybe launch me in that direction.

I'm getting in the habit of writing daily now - that's part of the reason I've been blogging every day - it's getting me into good practices.

What people don't tell you is that writing is a very solitary activity - you get caught up in your own head. You get researching. You sit on your arse and go down virtual rabbit holes. You can lose yourself if you're not careful.

You can also get arrested. Look at a writer's browser history at your own peril. I know I currently have some of the following topics in my browser log:

  • Swedish death cleaning
  • How to set your affairs in order
  • Planning your own funeral
  • Jobs for the future
  • New age teaching practices
  • Tom Ellis
  • Vegan treats
  • Unusual ways to die
  • Victoria's assisted dying laws
  • Ned Kelly
  • The best sex toys for women
  • Best cat memes
  • Small towns of the Pennines
  • Sound Healing
  • How to get a new Medicare card
  • How to make better Kombucha
  • Will vaping give you cancer
I am a writer. I am a weirdo.... singalong....

Other jobs that I wish I could do, or could have done if I had a modicum of talent:
  • Doctor
  • Astronaut
  • Shakespearean Actor
  • Singer
  • Piano player / musician
  • Lighthouse keeper
  • Biscuit baker
  • Owner / manager of a writer's retreat on the country.
And who says I can't dream.  

Right, I need to get on with the ironing. 

Today's song:

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