Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Third Degree

I can't talk about the Third Degree. I attended a ceremony last  night - which is why I didn't write yesterday. I got home late. I was tired.

And I'd attended a ceremony which is so notorious that it's come from a masonic ritual into commonplace phrase.

As it's a masonic ritual, I can't say much at all. As a mason you're sworn to secrecy in some matters - what goes on in the ritual is the main thing.

I can tell you the following:

  • No goats are harmed during the span of the ceremony.
  • No blood is imbibed
  • There is a bit of singing and wandering around done
  • You can only watch a third degree ceremony if you're a Master Mason
  • If you're not a Master Mason and you turn up to a Third Degree ceremony, you'll be thrown out of the room for mot of the evening.
  • It's a ceremony which makes you think about things.
  • There is a small semblance of truth found in movies about secret societies.
But for the most part, it's innocuous. But thought-provoking. 

The energy in the room was great. I'd like to see what would happen if the room was full. 

There is something to all this. 

And there's a good reason why saying you're giving somebody the third degree remains in our language.

I feel quite honoured to know exactly what it all entails.

Yesterday's Song:

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