Monday, March 16, 2020

And so it begins

I've just finished setting up my home office. It's something I've resisted doing for years and it's taken a global pandemic and  the glories of having to work from home for the foreseeable future to get me to do this - but it's here now.

I've a 24 inch screen. Good for what I do. It'll be good for writing too. At least I'm not at the mercy of the laptop screen which kills your will along with stiffening your neck and back. I need to move stuff around in the screens - take snapshots, place images. At work, in the office, I have two monitors - but I'm good with the one.

There are two laptops on the desk. My work one will sit on top of my home one. Thankfully the work laptop is light and a lot smaller than the other.

There's also a headset, which provides audio for meetings. It's a bulky contraption, but necessary.

I've left the work peripherals at work - using my mouse and keyboard. I like my keyboard here better.

But this, here, for the foreseeable future, is my place of work.

The great thing is, fore tea breaks, I get to go have a lie down and read my book.

Thank goodness for small mercies.

Today's Song:

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