Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Sleepy Rambles Meme

Well, I'm in Sydney and it is a ghost town. Alice and I were supposed to go to the Pixies concert last night. That was cancelled. Today we met for breakfast and then took ourselves off to the Sydney Biennale at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Today was the second day of the show. It was next to empty in the galleries - which in many ways is a great thing, but then again.... We still have some ability to get around here - we're not in full lock down, but the streets are quiet. I hate to say it, but I'm enjoying it. I'm not panicking- but I also know that this is just the start of things.

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. What is the wallpaper on your computer screen? Why did you choose it?

On my main computer I have a runner on a beach scene. I never chose it, it's just there. 

2. Who is the person you text the most in your life? What relation are you?

That's a toss up between Blarney, and Cleo and Jay, organising training sessions. 

3.Is there carpet or hardwood floor in your bedroom?

Unfortunately it's carpet. It needs replacing. All the carpet in my flat needs replacing.

4. Do you believe in superstitious things such as breaking a mirror?

I'm minorly superstitious. I touch wood a lot. There are a few other things I do - like not giving knives as gives, when giving a handbag, putting some money in it - but these things don't rule my life.

5. Do you like those ‘end of the world,’ ‘Armageddon’ movies?

Not really - as they are normally blockbusters. But saying that Melancholia was excellent.

6. Chocolate or strawberry birthday cake? Choose one.

Ah, neither. Can I please have a vanilla or flourless lemon cake. Much better. If I have to choose, then strawberry at a push, but there are other flavours I prefer.

7. Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie?

I eat a lot of vegetables and very little fruit. I love sweet potatoes and pumpkin. For fruits lychees and most berries.

8. Does the dentist calm you or does it tend to stress you out?

I'm fine with the dentist. I see him every six months. He never does much to me thank goodness. 

9. If you had to choose, which is the worst movie you’ve ever seen?

Sin City. I walked out after half an hour. The Other Boleyn Girl wasn't great either. Walked out of that too. 

10. Have you ever found yourself talking to an inanimate object?

All the time. I talk to my computer screen at work a lot too. 

11. Do you like movies that are originally based on children’s books?

Sometimes. Sometimes not. Depends on the film. 

12. Is your hair more thick or thin? Is it more curly or straight?

My hair is long and increasingly curlier than it has been for most of my life. I quite like it at the moment. 

13. Something on the human body that grosses you out the most:

Arseholes. Both figuratively and literally. I've done too much bodywork to be grossed out by the human body. 

14. What is your favorite color of apple? Red, green or yellow?

I love a good Granny Smith apple (Green ones)

15. Do you hardly ever remember where you put things at?

The only thing I have regular trouble finding is my house keys. 

16. Do you ever lay in the grass and look up at the sky, just because?

I wish I could do this more. 

17. Are you a controversial person? Do your views oppose others?

I can be controversial. I tend to pick my battles. My novel, if it ever gets published, will be VERY controversial - so I'm keeping my controversy tickets in check at the moment. 

18. Have you ever thrown a surprise party for someone? Who for?

No surprise parties. Not my thing. I don't like surprises that much myself. 

19. What would you say your average word per minute time is on the keyboard?

I think I type around 50-60 words a minute. Years of practice. 

20. Do you like fiction or non-fiction books more? What’s your favorite?

I read a hell of a lot of fiction, though great non-fiction can be wonderful. I'm a literary reader. I make no apologies for this. 

21. Do you know how to play pool? Are you any good at it?

Yes I can play pool - and I'm quite good at it. Being ambidextrous makes it even more fun and I can shoot from both sides. 

22. The most painful medical procedure you’ve ever had?

A wisdom tooth that had to come out in the chair - that was awful. A test for Whooping Cough was awful too - thought he was trying to scoop out my brains. 

23. Are you someone who tends to take a whole lot of naps?

No - I nap very rarely - only when I'm ill will I nap.

24. Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding?

Nope. Only ever had one red light camera ticket in my life.

25. Is anyone in your family a firefighter?

No. We're all doctors, police, nurses and shopkeepers. Very sedate. Ooops, sorry, I have a cousin who works for the Country Fire Association. So yes, I do.

Today's Song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    Never heard of Malancholia - but it looks intriguing from the trailer.

    I thought Sin City was pretty good to be honest but each to their own, I guess.

    Shame about the Pixies - I've got two gigs planned in the next few weeks - I am betting that they will be postponed or cancelled too.

    Bloody virus!




  2. Pandora - I hadn't heard of those superstitions. Now I need to go put some money in a

  3. Those are new superstitions to me! Hmm. Well, I keep money in the little holder in my car because I was told that if I did it would constantly accumulate - and so it has.

  4. We need to change out our carpet also. When my dog Mandy was sick, she clawed up the carpet and it is a mess now. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  5. If it helps, my aunt always said it was okay to give knives if you also gave them a penny to keep the relationship from being severed. I have no idea what the penny had to do with it, but she swore by it.

  6. I'm so happy you like your hair. Really. Good hair can change your outlook.
