Monday, March 2, 2020

Back to School

 School starts tomorrow. 

This feels a bit different to all the other times I’ve started school. It feels like this could be the start of something really big. I don’t know. The opportunity was too good not to take up, but this is different.

I look at the last time I’ve been at school.

My Masters was done online. The start of term was a matter of looking at the class list and hoping you were in the classes with mates – and not to many of the drongoes you’d encountered in previous terms. I made a lot of friends in during my Masters. 

I did a few subjects at Melbourne Uni in the early noughties. I didn’t get to know anybody there – the lectures were fine – and the tutorials weren’t mandatory. 

The Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing was done after hours at TAFE. That was great – again, made some friends, classes were fun all was good. 

I did my bachelors degree back when God as a boy. The start of term was more about the smell of books, working out which tutor you were getting and where your rooms was located at college. It was a social thing.

I look at this and I reckon there have been very few years when I haven’t been in school.

And I still call it school. Cos that’s what the experience is all about. Learning stuff about in a structured environments in a classroom, with people who want to do the same.

It's school.

And just like when I was a kid, I'm getting excited about going back now.

I've got my travel laptop packed in my work bag. A notepad and new pen are in with it. We've already had emails from one of the tutors. Like somebody who's won the Stella Prize is emailing me! We have to work out when we're getting our work workshopped - argh! People will be reading my stuff. Kill me now!

Yep. I'm going back to school tomorrow - and I'm really scared but really excited.

Today's Song:

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