Sunday, March 1, 2020

Bicycle Sidewalk Meme

I'm off to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child this afternoon and Jay is picking me up in an hour. It's a full afternoon and evening at the theatre.

Let's see if we can get this done before we go.

Questions. as always, purloined from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Do you think animals dream?

Absolutely. Haven't you seen a cat or dog chase rabbits when they sleep, then wake up all foggy. Of course they dream.

2. Have you ever been to a fortune teller or psychic?

Yes. I read tarot cards to a professional level, so I've seen many card readers in my day, most through practicing. Psychics, on the other hand, I have no faith in them at all,

3. How important is it to have a low stress job?

Depends on the personality. In my case, I like having a cruisy job, but I need some action to keep me occupied mentally. Not too stressed is where I like to land. I'm hoping I've found that in my new job.

4. Do you always lock your house?

At night and when I'm out, absolutely. I live in a fairly high crime area. We have to watch ourselves.

5. What do you do if you feel lonely?

Occasionally. I like my solitude and need my alone time, but sometimes this tips over to loneliness.

6. Have you ever driven a sports car?

Yes. I worked at a car leasing place many years ago - I got to drive a couple of Lotus sports cars. That was great fun.

7. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?

I've tripped down a few stairs, but nothing major where I've done an injury to myself.

8. What do you think about the death penalty?

I don't like it at all. We don't have the death penalty here in Australia - I'm very glad of that. There is too much of a margin for error - and you can't take it back.

9. What do you think about animal testing?

Another thing I don't like and I try to buy products which haven't been tested on animals.

10. What are your neighbors like?

My neighbours in my stairwell are great. Lovely people. Quiet and respectful and always up for a chat. My downstairs neighbours and I have each other's keys. It's great to know somebody is looking out for you.

11. Do you turn off the water when you brush your teeth?

Of course. Australia is drought-ridden. It's a waste of water to leave it running. We're well trained over here.

12, Are there any foods that you wouldn’t eat as a child that you now like?

There are a few that come to mind. Mushrooms, broccoli, beans and stew. I hated stew as a kid. I don't mind it now.

13. Is it important to always tell the truth?

Very. It's also a lot less stressful than lying.

14. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

I have eaten a lot of kangaroo. It's still strange to me to be eating an animal on the coat of arms. Durian sweets were another anomily. A colleague brought them back from Malaysia.

15. Do computers really help us save time?

I think they waste more time that save us time, but in some things, they are a godsend - like for doing accounts.

16. Do you have any tattoos?

One very small Chinese symbol on my hip. Out of sight, out of mind.

17. Do you pray every day?

I'm not a Christian, but I send out good intentions every day. I don't call it praying, but it is sort of the same thing when you talk to the universe.

18. Are you in favor of cloning?

Not really. I think our science dollar could be spend on other things - but if it is for sciences sake, then I have issue with it.

19. How do you feel about changing your nationality?

I still think that if I could, I would happily be British. I'm a Pom (Limey) on the inside.

20. Would you ever buy a used car?

I only buy used cars - from a dealership, with full history and low mileage, but I've never owned a new to me car. It's a waste of a few thousand dollars as you roll the new car off the forecourt.

21. Should you spank a child when they do something wrong?

I'm not a fan of spanking. Occasionally a small tap to get a child out of danger, I can see the point of - but not full on spanking. Hurts the spanker more than the spankee.

22. Has science made a negative impact on society?

Absolutely not. We need more of it - and have it better represented in the media and society.

23. Have you ever gone on a blind date?

Yes. They've been okay for the most part. Nothing to write home about either.

24. Do you believe there is life after death?

Yes. I believe in reincarnation.

Today's song:


  1. I never expected anyone else to have eaten Durian. Of course I just tasted the durian by itself, not made into something else.

  2. Getting on the computer can be such a waste of time for me also. YIKES! Loved your answers. Have a nice day!

  3. #10 we are both lucky to have such great neighbors!
