Thursday, March 12, 2020


It's been a harsh 48 hours.

Thankfully, it's nothing that awful, but it has got me miffed.


Okay, I know there is a pandemic going on and the last thing you want to be laid up with Coronavirus - COVID-19, so I get their reasoning, but still. THEY'VE CANCELLED THE PIXIES.

I'm was going up to Sydney to see them. I'm still going up to Sydney, but I won't be found in a mosh pit rocking on to such classics as Wave of Mutilation or Debaser or Nimrod's Son or La La Love You.... I think they were going to do the Surfer Rosa / Come on Pilgrim album - my absolute favourite Pixies album.

But no. There is the threat of corona virus so they won't be holding the concert.

I am grateful they've taken out the choice of going or not going to the show. But I'm still miffed. I've had that ticket for over six months. At least we'll get our money back.


Okay, I've got that off my chest.

Miffed story number two.

I came home from school on Tuesday night. I had Maow Maow with me still - Barney was coming over to pick him up after I got home. Having massive cat-mummy guilt for leaving the poor lad at home for over 12 hours, I asked my Lea downstairs if she could feed the bugger. We feed each other's cats. No drama.

Seems the cat had other plans. I think he thought that because Lea had fed him he was going to be alone all night. So he got wound up. And decided that shitting in the hallway would be a good thing. He's been coming to mine for over ten years. It's the first time he's missed the litter tray. He also puked in the bathroom.

Walking in the door, Maow Maow looked decidedly guilty.

Barney turned up ten minutes later. The flat reeked of disinfectant. The cat was bemused.

Adding insult to injury, Jay gave me some red wine to give to Blarney and Barney. I don't drink red wine. I can't drink red wine without getting palpitations, hot flushes and insomnia.

Jay gave me the wine at the gym. I put it in the back of my car. I drove the five minutes home.

I heard the bottles rattling, but thought no more of it.

When Barney and I were moving the cat out to his car (good riddance to the shitting, puking little critter, who I really do love terribly) I went and got the wine.

One of the bottles was smashed.

All I can say is I hope I don't get breatholised in the next month.

These are all small annoyances in the scheme of things.


Today's song:

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