Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Movie Review: Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears

Movie: Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears
Movie Number: 12
Stars: 3.5

I'll let you in on something. I have never watched the Phyrne Fisher Mysteries on the ABC. I've not had much of an interest - though some people rave about Kerrie Greenwood's titular main character. But having a cheap ticket and a bit of blank-page-itis, I took myself off the the cinema.

What can I say, it's set in the late 1920's. RottenTomatoes.com says of the plot, 'Glamorous lady detective Phryne Fisher (Essie Davis) returns in a cinematic sequel to the wildly popular TV series. In 1929 Jerusalem, Miss Fisher's rescue of a young Bedouin girl leads her on a globe-trotting adventure to uncover priceless treasures, wartime secrets, and an ancient tomb bearing a terrible curse, with the help of handsome detective Jack Robinson (Nathan Page).'

And that's about it. It's a poor man's Indiana Jones with better costumes and lots of English twits.

After seeing this, I'm not that keen to hunt out Miss Fisher on the small screen, but maybe the shorter format would work well. I know that I found this rather dull, formulaic and  contrived.

On the good side of things, the sets and the costumes were awesome.

Essie Davis is lovable as Phryne, Nathan Page quite dapper as Jack. There are some great cameos from Miriam Margoyles, John Waters and John Stanton.

But I was continually losing interest. Sure, the sets and costumes were fantastic, but I found the script contrived and really predictable. Some of it reminded me of the hijinks found in Sex and the City II (mind you, this was better).

I've a feeling this is a film for the fans of Kerry Greenwood and her renown heroine.

As somebody who went in blind, I found this a little lacking. I didn't hate it - I was just wanting more from the storyline and the script.

Today's Song:

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