Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Dev Files - Part Three

I' m going to do a Dev session tonight rather than writing about my day. I think Dev's session would be far more productive than going into things like:

  • Talking to the cat
  • Sitting in on a 6 hour training session - over Webex
  • Buying a good office chair, as odds on,I'm going to be using it 7-9 hours a day for the next few months
  • Having a training session out in the park (bliss)
  • Findng the Loi Loi open for takeaway after said gym session (Prawn Spring Rolls - yum)
And I had a session with my Faber Course adviser, but I'm still milling over what she said and I'm unsure whether the course is going ahead. There are a lot of balls in the air at the moment. It was nice of her to say keep writing

I also don't want to talk about the C-word.

 Over talking about it. So here we go. Dev session number three. 

First question:

Who am I?

Me. Hell. I'm just me. I'm a lot of things. I'm a humanist. I'm unfalteringly kids, reasonably smart, sometimes funny, sometimes sad. I'm a South Australian - not Australian. I'm a wounded healer. I am a witch. I'm a witch who now owns a black cat called Lucifer. I'm a writer - I could be a very good writer if I got out of my own way. I'm also a lover, a fighter, a gin enthusiast, a gym junkie, theatre lover, cinema lover.

Why am I here?

I love to hone my craft, and having exercises put in front of me is one of the best ways of getting myself writing. So rather than write my daily blog, I'm here getting a shot of Vitamin Dev - it is good to write every day - I know this, but I need different inspiration sometimes. Dev is good for this.

It's also good watching Dev's facial expressions.

What do I want to get out of this (the online classes)?

A bit of a kick up the butt to really get this novel going. To be honest it's just great to write with somebody. As I've done the Gunna's Masterclass I've done a lot of these exercises before, it's always great to do them again.

I also want to inspire a few people to get onto these questions.

And I get to listen to Dev do Tubal Throat Singing - wow. Woman of many talents.

What stops me from writing?

Life. Laziness. Self-doubt. Too many ideas in my head. The need to relax. Thinking about the housework I have to do. The cat telling me to go to bed. Not giving me enough credit. Work. Sleep. Doubting my ideas. These are all excuses.

What gets me writing?

When I'm inspired. Insipid song lyrics. Laughter. The urge. With the blog posts, something that sents me off. The need to escape. The need to create. The need to communication. The need to just be me in the moment.

How do I feel when I'm not writing?

Flat. Anxious. Lazy. Doing myself a diservice. Guilty. Though sometimes I'm thinking about writing, which is a good thing as it lets me get writing quicker when I do. But I'm always writing - I just would like to do more focused writing - IE the novel.

How do you feel when you are writing?

Free. Happy (for the most part). I feel like I'm actively doing what I am supposed to be doing in life. I also feel relaxed when I'm writing. The blood pressure goes down a lot.

Homework: Write a small poem.

He is a small panther,
Stalking the realms of sleep and dreams
Ruling his domain with confidence,
Taking flight from the windowsill
Sleeping in the sun.
When he can.
When he wants.
Because he is a small panther.
Nobody has told him otherwise.

Today's Song:

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