Monday, March 23, 2020

The New Half Normal

It's twenty to eleven, I'm in my pyjamas and I have 12 litres of gin. Hit it.

Okay, I have a small nip of GinFusion Blood Orange and Yuzu over ice and all is quite well. Mind you, blood orange and yuzu* makes most thing better. How can you go wrong when you have something yuzu tainted in your hand?

I've turned to alcohol in a very limited way tonight. It's needed. The world is all too surreal. The gym closed down today. There is reason to be grieving.

But we look to the good. Count my blessings. Remember the good.

So here are a few things that are good.

1) Secondhand cat, AKA Reginald Lucifer Morningstar Behr is settling in very well. He's doing everything a good cat should do. He's very well behaved. Loves his scratching pole, is still spending a lot of time under the bed, but that's okay - he comes out a lot.

His favourite trick is to sit next to you, look up at you like a two-year-old with the arms extented. He then jumps up into my lap, then crawls onto my shoulder . His favourite time to do this is when I'm on conference calls. It's probably best to turn off your camera and mike before you say, 'Hello, Darling, do you want a cuddle?'

Still think I lucked out on Cat Tinder and I struck gold with my little panther. He does look like a panther - he's so dark he's nearly Vantablack. I love him to bits. As much as I love Maow Maow, who had to be told that he is still my favourite best boy (Along with Lucifer.)

2) As the gym closed today, we had our first outside session with Cleo in the park, doing things we would normally do inside, just without the machines. It was good. We're doing it again on Thursday - as well as fitting in some walks and a few other things. to keep the fitness and sanity up.

On the good side of things, working out outside is great. And we're helping to keep Cleo employed. This could be a long break. I need exercise for my sanity. Looking at the New Zealand papers, where they have just gone into Stage 4 lockdown. You can go outside to exercise, walk the dog, go to the supermarket and the doctor and that is about it. At least they can get out for a walk.

Tomorrow I have to go into town to get my flu shot at work - I'm thinking of walking in - it's about an hour away - but its better than taking public transport.

3) People are starting to take this pandemic seriously. As of today, cafes and restaurants can only open for takeaway. Not sitting down to eat. It's the way it has to be.

4) It's my step-dad's birthday tomorrow. My step-sister reminded me. And its a good thing, because I still think his birthday is in April.

5) The best thing today was discovering a clip of Shirley Temple doing death metal. These stupid little things are make my day.

Still having a cat to cuddle around home - best decision ever.

* Yuzu is a Japanese citrus fruit that tastes something between a lemon and a mandarin, and it looks a bit like an ugly grapefruit.

Today's Song:

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