Tuesday, March 24, 2020


I went into town today.

It's not illegal yet, even though it's not encouraged.

Today, it was just a matter of popping into town, getting my flu jab at work, collecting my mail and going home. In and out in an hour.

I looked at my method of preferred transport. As I was doing this in working hours, it was a matter of making this quick - as quick as possible. I could drive. Or I could take public transport. I live 10 minutes out of the city. I took the latter option, walking to the train station, tramming home.

There were no issues about social distancing on either method of transport. There were about five people in the train carriage on the way in. There were two people on the tram on the way home. A few more in the city, but nobody got near each other. This was taken on a tram that goes down Collins Street and is shoulder to shoulder on most days. This is what I found:

Collins Street, Midday

I made my way quickly to the office. Washing my hands as I got there. I was devastated but not surprised to find the cafe where we have book group closed.

St Kilda Road Bridge - deserted.

And the most telling of all. The Flinders Street underpass.

Anybody who knows Melbourne knows that this is normally packed most of the day. This was taken just before midday.

The city is a ghost town. And rightly so.

I donned a pair of gloves for the way home. Just food prepping gloves. Not to keep the germs out, but to keep myself from touching my face. It was a good strategy.

It's gratifying and shocking at how few people are in town. Gratifying that people are heeding the message and staying home.

Shocking at just how alien the place looks without people.

Dev described it as a mix between Gilead and Good Friday.

Me, I think it's more what this place would look like after the zombie apocalypse.

Needless to say, got home, scrubbed myself down and cuddled the cat, happy to be back in the safety of my own home.

I doubt I'll be getting in there again for a long time.

Today's song:

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