Monday, April 20, 2020

Best Self Card: Make the year meaningful

Best Self Card: What do you need to do by the end of the year to make this year meaningful?

A quick best self card blog tonight.

What do I need to do to make this year meaningful?

I reckon this might be the year that we all have meaningful years. Seeing most people are either working from home or unemployed at this time. I know I'm appreciating life as I normally know it a lot more now I'm in lock down. I'm loving the time I get out of the flat, the time I get to spend with other people. Hell, I'm having my haircut on the weekend - I'm just looking forward to another person touching me - even if it is just to wash out my hair. (This is being while taking precautions - and I need this for my sanity. My hair is driving me nuts at the moment.)

But what will make this year meaningful?

Here we go, by the end of December I would like the following things to have happened, all of which will hold great meaning to me if they happen.

  • I'd like to attend my mother's 80th birthday party. Some things are meant to be celebrated. 
  • I'd like to be travelling again, as travelling feeds my soul - I miss travelling. 
  • Maybe this is the year I find that elusive relationship. That would be nice - but I'm not banking on it. 
  • I'd also like to have the first draft of my first novel finished. Even better if there is some interest from a publisher. 

For the moment, I reckon this year is already meaningful. We've all learned to adapt, live with less, live with contraints, and appreciate all the little things and watch as the world appears to be going barking mad. It's not what we do, but how we moderate our actions in times like these.

Surely there are lessons enough in this to make 2020 meaningful.

Today's song:

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