Sunday, April 19, 2020

Quirky Questions

Another day in Stage Three Lockdown. Thankfully today has the big trip over the Westgate to see Blarney and deliver baked goods as she is recently out of hospital and needs a hand. I hope to sit on her verandah and have a glass of wine with Barney and Blarney and have a cuddle of the Maow Maow before I go home. This constitutes a big day out.

Questions, procured as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

 1.   Did you become what you wanted to be when you grew up? Are you happy with your choice?

Part of me wanted to be a doctor when I was a kid. At this present time I'm really glad I didn't become a doctor. Writer was on the list too  - I never saw life ending up like this, but its not too bad. I like being a writer.

2.    Did man really go to the moon or was it a publicity stunt?

I like to believe man has been on the moon. I'm sure there are telescopes which can see the flags and debris that were left there.

3.    Given the opportunity to change one major aspect of your life (i.e. career, relationship, family) with no guarantee of the outcome, would you take the chance? Why?

Love life. I'd like one - or one that doesn't involive interstate travel for it to occur. Then again, I like my Sydney visits. It's a bit of a catch-22.

4.    Does money buy happiness?

No, but it certainly makes life easier.

5.    What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Normally three things. Go to the loo. Feed the cat. Deal with the cat turds. Normally in that order. Feeding the cat is a big thing that needs to be done or all hell breaks loose.

6.    What are we going to do when we run out of room to bury the dead?

Well, I don't know about you, but cremation has been an option for years. What's wrong with that. I know I want to be cremated when I go. Who has a tombstone now anyway? A plaque in the columbarium is a bit morose. Spread my ashes on Silver Sands Beach I say.

7.    What is your greatest fear? Why? Is it rational or unreasonable?

Huntsman spiders. They are ugly fuckers and I hate them. They can't hurt you. I don't care. Horrid creatures. I'm also afraid of commitment. Adopting a cat has been a big thing for me.

8.    How do you feel about the exploitation of your private data in the digital age? Does it ever cross your mind or are you hyper-aware of the risks?

I'm somewhere in the middle. I try to be aware of what information I'm putting on the interwebs and I always use masking sites such as PayPal for paying things online. I also write under another name and I'm careful about identity things. I could be more vigilant - but hey, they know what they know.

9.    You can be forgiven one debt. What is it? If you don’t have debt, then how did you do it?

I'm really lucky - I have next to no debt - there's around one thousand dollars left to pay on some hire purchases made late last year (and to replace the phone which was stolen in February) - That will be paid off in a month or so. I'd love it if somebody paid off my school fees....

10.    Hot or cold?

Cole. Love being cold - well warming up from being cold.

11.    What is your favorite thing in the world (aside from family, friends, pets)?

Clean, crisp, 100% cotton sheets - and getting into bed on a cold night. Nothing is better than the feeling of clean sheets.

12.    You have to give up one of your five senses. Which one would you go without?

I'd go with taste, but very reluctantly. I can't do without sight, hearing or touch  - but smell can sort of compensate for taste. As long as my sense of smell wasn't diminished by the loss, as they are very complementary senses.

13.    Do you believe everyone has a doppelgänger?

Yes. I've seen too many not to beleive this. I pity my doppelganger.

14.    Likewise, does everyone have a soulmate or is it just a matter of proximity and circumstance?

Jury is out on this one. I know I have met my soul mate, but as he is on the other side of the world, proximity and circumstance has kept us apart, and that's probably the way it's always going to be. Oh well. But then what do you do?

15.    Imagine you have a theme song that plays every time you enter a room. What would your song be?

Ah, possibly this:

 or this:

Today's song:


  1. I would like to see man go back to the moon someday, but given the expense and current situation, I doubt it will happen in the near future.

  2. Cremation is becoming more of a thing than ever in my area. Well, that and the practice of having the viewing and service all in one day and all at the funeral home. It's because of the cost. You can't really touch a traditional funeral for under $10K and it seems more and more people just can't afford it.

  3. Hi Pand,

    The cat is our alarm clock - 5:30 am this morning, the little bugger!

    Thank God we don't get Huntsman Spiders here. I think I owuld consider moving if we did.

    I love "Sympathy for the Devil" - Good choice.




  4. We will eventually go to Mars. Probably not in our lifetime.

  5. I’ve heard that NASA’s plan to go to the moon again, and then to Mars, have not been affected by the pandemic...we will be back to the moon within the next few years

  6. I think if I lived in Australia, I would have more fear of spiders and other animals you guys have than I do living where I live. Loved your answers! Have a great day!
