Saturday, April 25, 2020

It's Just A Matter of Touch

I've had two trips outside today. First up, a walk around the Yarra with Jay. Always good going for a walk in the sunshine and having somebody to talk to.

The second was a far more special trip outside. I think it's been the best day of the month so far.

See, I had my hair cut and coloured today.

It was just me and my wonderful hairdresser, Elle in the salon. Seeing the hairdresser is allowed according to the government. It was in a different place to where I normally see her - out Malvern way.

Elle has been cutting and colouring my hair for nearly fifteen years.

I'm not feeling bad about having this done. It's not illegal. We're both well. The place has been sanitised within an inch of its life. There was no through traffic. Hands were washed and sanitised regularly.

And not only do I no longer look like Stevie Nicks with grey temples - I had something which money can't buy. I had somebody other than my cat touch me.

Having the hairdresser wash your hair (okay, having anybody wash your hair) is one of those little things that make life worth living.

Today's cut and colour was even more special - as it's the first time in over a month that somebody else has touched me.

It means a lot.

Normally I'd give Elle a hug on entry and a on leaving.  That didn't happen today. But she painted the dye on, washed it off and cut my hair - and it was just bliss.

But for an hour and a half there, the world was nearly normal once again.

It will come back. But I'm treasuring moments like these.

Today's Song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song challenge)

Day 2: A Song with a number in the title.

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