Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Fill-In Meme

I had my hair cut! I had my hair cut! I'm still gloating about this. Having one's hair cut in a pandemic is an interesting affair. There are many rules and regulations that need to be observed. Sanitising, hand washing, limited numbers in the salon. It was just Elle, my trusty hairdresser of nearly 20 years and me in a small salon in Glen Iris. What was best of all, other than I'm not sporting a Stevie Nicks hairdo now, I got a bit of human contract. After a good month, somebody else touched me (well she washed my hair - which is the best bit of going to the hairdresser any time) and life feels a lot better now.

Today's quick questions were sourced, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing. Fill in the blanks she says.

1. Right now I'm sitting in my exercise clothes, about to set up for a session of Body Pump with Jay, being held over zoom. I've hired a set of pump equipment from the gym, so now it's two sessions of Pump in the lounge a week. It's a bit different, but okay.

2. Thumbsucking is my well known quirk. It just is. I only do it at home. It's cheaper than prozac.

3. Are you locked inside your house too? I'm just glad for the little trips out which I'm making daily - normally that's just for exercise, but being out of the house is most wonderful.

4. Speak first, then blame everybody!  Well that appears to be Donald Trump's rule. I mean for pity's sake - mainlining disinfectant. Sheesh...

5. That's why I only read the newspapers for a few minutes a day. I can't endure Trump's stupidity - and seriously, too much news is bad for your mental health. Half an hour of The Age, The New York Times and The Guardian will do me just fine.

6. Six Feet Under is one of my favorite tv shows ever! Too many to choose from, but Six Feet Under is incredible.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to maybe doing some real writing, tomorrow my plans include working from home and seeing my trainer and Sunday, I want to do a pump class and ice the cake in the kitchen! Pandemics make for very dull weekends.

8. If I could go anywhere on a road trip, I'd go to Tasmania - I want to go back to MONA (One of the best art museums in the world), see my cousins and maybe visit Bruny Island.

9. America's take on socialised medicine is something I don't understand. I'm very thankful for the free, universal healthcare we have here. Long may it remain.

10. Thanksgiving makes me think of all the things Americans do which we don't. Australia doesn't have Thanksgiving - as it is purely an American thing that stems back to the Mayflower. Unless you have American friends who have you along for a big lunch at the back end of November it's not something you think about outside of America.

11. Reading is the best way to relax!

12. It looks like Autumn outside my window. The leaves are finally changing, it's damp and overcast and I love it. Autumn is my favourite season.

13.Roasted chickpeas are one of my favorite healthy snacks.

14. The smell of juicy fruit chewing gum and Old Spice cologne makes me think of my father.

15. When I am feeling lazy I lie on the couch and watch television.

16. When I look to the left, I see the flats next door, the curtain, the windowsill, and at the moment, the cat, who is helping me write this.

17. The kitchen is the room that has the best view in my home. I live in a rather nondescript seventies block of flats. My kitchen window sees into the city. It's not that inspiring, but it has a clear run into town.

18. Dirty Deeds done dirt cheap!

19.Looking after one another is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.

20. If you have any decent, interesting gin, feel free to share it with me.

Today's Song : (Brought to you from the 30 Day Song Challenge.

Day 3: A song that reminds you of Summertime


  1. You wouldn't have Thanksgiving because it was created to thanks the Native Americans for all their help getting the European settlers through their first winter in the new country. I think a lot of people may have forgotten that, but basically it's an American holiday.

  2. Your road trip sounds like it would be very interesting!

  3. Ahhh, Old Spice. That smell makes me think of my dad, too. :)

  4. That ending to Six Feet Under is one of the best endings of a TV series ever. I have always loved it. It was a great show.

    Don't try to understand America. We're just nuts over here. I envy the healthcare of other nations, and their responsible leadership.

  5. Hi Pand,

    Words fail me as far as Trump is concerned.

    I never caught Six Feet Under but I did like Dexter (which also has Michael C Hall). I might give it a go.



