Monday, April 27, 2020

Writing with Dev: Part 8

This should be interesting. Writing with a hungry pussycat in the room and I'm due at the park to meet my trainer in 45 minutes.

The Emotional Barometer Cards: 

Write for five minutes on a topic: Sensual

I love that in the morning, I am woken with a cuddle. I love being woken with a cuddle. It normally starts with a gentle prodding around my shoulder, followed by a gentle stroke. The pads are warm, yet cool as they find their mark, giving a gentle, 'wake up, come on, you know you want to,' type feeling as it continues. Then the cuddle comes. It's not a soft cuddle, more a cuddle with a lot of intent. It says, 'I want something more.' It's insistent as it is demanding. The nudging gets more defined as time goes on, though really, in the scheme of things, it's not long. It would get more demanding if I didn't reciprocate in some way.

Then again, this is what happens when you wake to a hungry pussycat demanding his breakfast at 6.30 in the morning. He's a gentle beast for the most part. Just don't get in between him and his breakfast.

On the Front Page of the Guardian Tomorrow

Approaching the Opening of Borders

The COVID-19 Pandemic has placed our borders in a very interesting place. Other than Peter Dutton now has to find something to do with his Border Farce Force, we currently have next to no people exiting or entering the county. We have become a true island nation. Those entering the country, indeed, those moving interstate, are subjected to strict quarantine laws and conditions.

Now that the pandemic's reach appears to be abating, decisions need to be made as to how we start to open the borders. Other than Peter Dutton will have something to do other than to criticise the WHO, we will have to ascertain how we will ensure the bio-security of the nation while allowing some freedom of movement.

As a first step, opening the borders between states will need to happen. This will most likely be done in stages as the virus' threat, along with better tracing and detecting methods come into place. Travelling between states will start to occur - but will there be health requirements for travelers before embarking on any journey.

The insidious nature of the virus means that where you may be clear one day, you may not be the next. Will mandatory testing be required on the day, or a period of self-quarantine in the days leading up to travel.

Opening the border between Australia and New Zealand could be an option if this was to be contained to the two countries (and the Pacific Islands) Both countries have put in place a rigorous testing regime and have open information swapping policies.

What will be interesting is when we open the borders to countries how have not had similar strategies, in particular America, who's strategies to contain the virus have been very different to our own.

There are many questions which will need to be answered in the coming months, possibly years, to come.

One Minute on Desire

Oh don't ask me to write about that, Dev. Nobody needs to know about those groin throbbing feelings which overcome the whole body at semi-regular intervals. Not from me anyway. I just know they are there and occasionally I listen to them, and though I never say this, it's good to act on these feelings every now and then.

Today's Song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge.)

Day 4: A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget.

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