Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Best Part of the Day

Twice a week, I find myself in the early morning, walking around the Botanical Gardens with my friend Kaz.

We've got this down to a fine at. The text messages go out the night before to check on the meeting time. The place is well defined. Near Anderson Street. That's easy. In these times, finding a park is never a problem.

It's good to chat to somebody in the flesh, just to have a conversation with somebody who isn't my cat - though the cat has his uses. I'm sure Kaz has the same feeling - she's locked down at home with her husband and two primary school aged boys. It's good to talk to an adult.

For me, this being out as the sun is coming up is the best part of the day. The early morning light is so beautiful.

Just watching the world wake up is enough and to see Melbourne in this glorious autumn light is enough to keep me doing this a couple of times a week.

What is it they say about the little things?

Today's Song:

Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge.

Day 5: A song that needs to be played loud.

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