Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Worst Earworm

This song needs to leave my head. It just does. I'm over it. It's been in there for over two days and it's driving the cat mad.

Thing is, it's also making me smile.

Like most things that hail from New Zealand, there is something charming and great about it all.

Think of the great things New Zealand has brought us lately over the last few years:
  • Jacinda Ardern
  • Taika Waititi
  • Whittaker's Chocolate
  • Pavlova (still a moot point on that one) 
  • The Flight of the Conchords
  • Outrageous Fortune 
  • The Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  • What We Do in the Shadows
  • The Piano
  • Inclusive, empathetic politics
  • The All Blacks
I know I resonate with the Kiwi sense of humour. It's bone dry and self-deprecating. It's just there and I love it - which I why I love Kiwi comedies so much. A lot of it isn't very PC either and I like this a lot too.

Most Kiwis have this just get on with it mentality too - possibly why they've managed this pandemic better than almost every other country in the world.

And of course, I have many wonderful Kiwi mates who I adore. 

So this little song comes from a Kiwi comedian. It's so wrong, it's right. And this woman is a complete crack up. 

It also introduced me to a new word, which I want to integrate into my daily life. 

Wharepaku - pronouncd fareh-pa-ku. It's Maori for toilet.

Calling the cat's scratching box the pussy wharepaku sounds so much better that the cat shitter, the poo-box or the turd collector.

Regardless, this song is stuck in my head. It makes me smile.

But I need it gone.

Today's Song:

Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge:

Day 6: A song that makes you want to dance.

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