Thursday, April 30, 2020

April Catchup / May Goals

It's been a month since I've looked at my goals. It's been a strange time. But we're doing some stuff in this lockdown state.

As I have done every month this year so far, it's time to look at my goals from last month and set up some new ones.

So April, how did we do?

1) Get 10000 words of the new novel done.

Not quite. I've written about 5000 words - but I've got some tactics to get writing properly again. Then again, what I'm writing is winning fans in my class. Just keep swimming, I say.

2) Participate in Writers Victoria Flash Fiction every day.

Done. I put my last flash fiction in about half an hour ago. I love creating these 30 word stories.

3) Get in a 30 minute walk in every day.

Not quite, but I am active. I've worked out I'm exercising six days out of seven. My gym has hired out pump equipment, so I'm doing two pump classes with Jay a week over zoom. I'm walking with Kaz and still seeing Cleo twice a week. I'm being active. It's good. It's keeping me sane.

4) Read four books this month.

I managed to read three. They were:

  • American Dirt by Jeanine Cummings
  • Bruny by Heather Rose
  • Animal People by Charlotte Wood. 

5) Work on my flexibility. 

I haven't done enough of this - so this one is rolling over into May. I need to do it.

6) Write down everything I spend

Done. I'll roll this one over too - it's good for accountability.

And May's Goals: 

1) Walk 80 kilometres over the month. 

In any given month out of quarantine this would be a no brainer, but this will take some coordination. Jonella is doing a walkathon, so I'm joining her in spirit. The way I look at it, 25 days of the month, walk four kilometres. That's a lap of the Botanical Gardens. I can do this one. I'll start a spreadsheet.

2) Read four books. 

It's winter. I have a cat that likes reading. Time to get off my bum and do this.

3) Get 15000 words of the novel written

I have to use this isolation better. again - it's 500 words a day. Time to stop lollygagging - and I'm writing well.

4) Work on my flexibility

Try to get this one again. Time to hunt out some Yin Yoga sessions on YouTube.

5) Biting the bullet and working on the diet. 

On the good side of things, the only sweet stuff in my flat is the stuff which I make for Blarney and Barney. I'm buying healthy food. Now to work on portion control.

6) Get that 'new' computer running and transition off this laptop.

I bought a new computer last year in June. I'm still using my old computer, mostly because I just hate the thought of spending 2 hours on the phone to Telstra to get my home mail set up. It's a bloody pain. Joys of a legacy account. But this is a big goal.

Wish me luck - it's all acheivable.

Today's Song: Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge

Day 7: A song to drive to.

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